Have you ever heard of anything so bad?

Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2018
Which is your favourite?

What do we pay more attention to? It is really fascinating that we are so led by our emotions, but how many times do positive headlines actually catch our eye? I am thinking of somehow linking this article with cryptocurrency, eventually, maybe (lol). However, my main point is we are wired for negativity. It grabs our attention without much effort on the part of the person giving the information over.

Yay, I achieved the goal!

Why can’t we emphasise the success? In the end, I got what I needed. Is it because we are not motivated by others’ successes? Then I guess the lotteries should be scrapped (lol). Think about it, you bought a ticket again. Convinced this time that you would win. Alas you did not win anything this time, but you are so happy for the actual winners, all 6 of them. Good luck to them. Ye, right, next week it will be my turn.

Does every cloud have a silver lining?!

So I go to the domain name sight. Here we go, lets try my brilliant ideas and see who many have not been taken. I put in my first option and it is not taken. Look at that, you were waiting for me to say the obvious, it was taken. Well, I go to the check out and it tells me that I have to login. That means I have to sort out my account. Guess what, I have forgotten my password again.

Not panicking, I send a “forgot password” request. I put in my e-mail address and check my e-mail for the re-route to reset my password. Alas, no e-mail.

The patience of an experienced user!

I wait. Being an expert in this area, after going this is experience so many times (lol), I know sometimes it takes more than an instant to receive the reset e-mail for various reasons. I check my e-mail again. Still nothing. This time I re-send my request. Again, nothing. This has happened before you know. So, a bit more patience and…still nothing.

Now what? I start to loose my sense of humour and patience. I have to get on with this process. Having no choice, I call the help line. They send me a password reset. Then they ask what domain I am registering. I answer, but start warning the customer service man that I do not want any more help. He pauses, and informs me again, “I will take care of this for you, just put in your payment details”. I re-emphasise I do not want anyone doing this for me because there could be a mistake in the spelling or other details.

In the meantime, I reset my password and start updating my payment details in order to finally get on with this 5 minute task that is now taking over 15 minutes. Now I have the added problem of reassuring the customer service man that I only had a problem with my password retrieval. I thank him and say goodbye.

Relieved I put the phone down and feel like I have just passed a challenge in a computer adventure game. Relaxed again, I continue with my mission of registering my domain name. Relieved this will only take a few more clicks of the mouse.

Sorry, better luck next time!

Trying to finish this task and make up for lost time, I confirm my order. Not so fast! My confirmation receipt pops up. Wait, did that say double the amount I do not owe?! Ok, I told the customer service man specifically and clearly not to order for me. He did indeed make the mistakes I was sure he would. However, there is an unexpected additional surprise, the discounted price was charged in United States Dollars (USD)! I selected my local currency. I put in my current non-US address and non-US payment details. The price was quoted in my local currency, but I was charged in USD! I re-phone the customer service number.

After I nervously explained the story, the customer service man reverses the other customer service man’s mistaken charge immediately and refunds me. I thank him. Then he explains he cannot fix my USD charge. I am not sure why, but he files a dispute payment issue.

Now I have to wait for the dispute to be resolved. This story ends here. I have not heard back from them. Not knowing how much time this will take, I will patiently wait again and see what happens. If I do not hear from them in the next hour, I will phone back (lol)! I am sure it will be resolved, but what a waist of time, effort, and energy for a minute task that went wrong. Even though I was really clear about everything that I wanted and did, I am not sure what the outcome will be. In the meantime, I have my domain name!




A blog about cryptocurrency with a witty cartoon containing classic lines captured by graphics