Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2019
Twitter Supports the Covfefe Market

While there is still no definitive definition for the word covfefe, volfefe has been defined by one of the world’s top and most respected firms. JP Morgan Chase are taking President Trump seriously as a major influencer in the financial market. On the 9th September 2019, JP Morgan Chase created a stock market index called the Volfefe Index, a variation on the word a with a meaning only President Trump knows and publicized through a tweet. This index was created in order for financial analysists, fund managers, and investors to measure the impact of United States (US) President, Donald Trump’s tweets, which the President personally produces from his twitter account on the financial markets.

Disclaimer: This is not legal or financial advice and no product or company, mentioned or not, is being endorsed. The purpose of this article is only to bring attention to very important new index. What is presented here is the author’s understanding of this new index and the author’s bias on the topic. Do your own research and do not invest more than you can afford to lose. Technical analysis and fundamentals are merely tools investors and traders use in order to decide how, when, and what to invest or trade. However caution should be exercised as the market is not unpredictable, even if you made a profit (or a loss) off any particular trade. The market can, and does, anything it wants whenever it wants regardless of any indicator or financial tool.

Volfefe Index

The index specifically focuses on Trump tweets with keywords such as “US Federal Reserve”, “trade”, “China”, “tariffs”, “products”, “billion”, “dollars”, and “great”. These and other tweets that are related, or geared, to trade and the financial markets are understood by many financial analysists in the US and around the world to influence decisions of investors, fund managers, traders, business people, and consumers in their day to day decision making. Thus causing these tweets to seemingly have a significant impact on the financial markets.

Presidential Tweets (Not Presidential Suites LOL)

The US President makes unfiltered tweets. This gives investors and financial analysists a perception that they have a real insight into the inside workings of the Executive branch of the US government. Almost every previous president has been cautious with the media and only made carefully measured media statements that are pre-prepared by public relations and media specialist advisers. According to President Trump however, Twitter was part of what got him elected as president and therefore he feels strongly about continuing to use Twitter as a platform to express himself.


A never-before-seen move by a US President, covfefe (LOL) tweets, has created a never-before-seen instrument, the Volfefe Index. We should pay attention to this index because a company as progressive and cutting-edge as JP Morgan Chase created this index. After all they were one of the first companies to come out with their version of a cryptocurrency. Even though this is a digital currency that is centralized and not a cryptocurrency, you have to give credit where credit is due. Their innovative digital currency is a first and this index is yet another first. In all probability this index will do extremely well and become a commonly known and respected index. Until, that is, there is a new US President, whether elected next year or after 2 full terms of President Trump’s service.




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