What is The Flow Lifestyle?
~ Hint: it is living in a holistic and multi-dimensional way ~
∼The Flow Lifestyle∼ is a philosophy, a mindset, a framework, and a set of practices for looking at, and for living life. Finding and embracing the flow in your life is living in a holistic and multidimensional way. Holistic means looking after the body, mind, and soul. Multi-dimensional means looking out for the key pillars in your life and how you interact with others: Vocation (meaningful work), Relationships, Spirit and Expression (creativity/growth). A Flow Life is by definition balanced since you know and follow those things that are most meaningful and important to you across all of the parts of your life.
Flow can happen when you’re “really into” what you’re doing, when you are really into your life. Isn’t the most simple perception, yet essential to move forward, and unfortunately very often neglected? It requires self-awareness, integrity, choice, decisions, and responsibility.
~ Finding and embracing your own magnificent LIFE’S FLOW provides the energy to live a good life with purpose and direction.~
∼The Flow Lifestyle∼ is your own optimal experience of life, which is the outcome of the direction of your own energy, and time spent building the habits and achieving…