Fatima Ali
The Flying Girl
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2023


How to be a Patient Parent?!!

Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash

I know when you are raising children, there often comes a time when you just want to shout your lungs out. I had that day today by the way. And here is how i try to stay calm and do not ruin my child’s image of myself.

Today, my son delayed his afternoon as much as he could but what i did is that i put him in his cot, gave something to him to play with and took a short power nap next to him on our bed. This gave me the chance to recollect my thoughts and put my energy into sleeping rather than thinking about a gazillion things that would put him to sleep which i know would not have worked at the time. After a while i did succeed in putting him to sleep.

He then woke up fresh and ready to roll. But he just would not eat his late lunch. I wont lie i did raise my voice once or twice but then when my conscious mind clicked in, i got up and put his plate away. And thought maybe he does not like the taste of it. So i decided to stay cool and make him another recipe that i had been dying to try.

I then let him play freely for few minutes and then offered him his food again. And voila!! he ate almost all of it !

So, conclusively, it begins with how we treat ourselves when we are triggered. Wait and try to process your thoughts during this time.Ask questions, what is the right patient way to react to this ? what are my other options? This style of conscious, thoughtful parenting will pave the way for a positive and fruitful future for your relationship.



Fatima Ali
The Flying Girl

🔷Hardworking Housewife 👩‍❤️‍👨 🔷 A Dedicated Mother👶💐 🔷Self-care + Self-love Enthusiast💫 📝fatimamahboob321@outlook.com