The Focal Newsletter #10 🧐 Perspective Perception.

Based on perspective sayings.

David Hu
The Focal
6 min readSep 3, 2023


A quick re-cap of our previous sent newsletter (August 7th, 2023).

The Productivity & Positivity Newsletter.

Morning! — Morning! Did you know that Australia is wider than the moon? Crazy right? Never thought that a land filled with dangerous creatures and unbearable heat during their summers is actually bigger than a space rock orbiting around us. Man, perception is a weird thing, isn’t it? With that said, let’s focus in.

Trivia of the Day: What was Walt Disney afraid of?

👍 Positivity: It’s All In Your Mind.

🤔 Productivity: Try a Different Angle.

🧐 Prosperity: The Perspective Phenomenon.

David H.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

— Marcus Aurelius


It’s All In Your Mind.

Photo by Anika Huizinga on Unsplash.

🤓 It’s based on your perspective. The majority of the problem we face in life all comes from our own mind overthinking and over-judging the situation. Everything we see and do is part of our perspective. If you feel like the problem cannot be solved, it’s not that it’s impossible for you, but rather you have not explored more options and thinking to overcome the situation. Knowledge is the key to proper freedom. And freedom in this case is the freeing of constant stress. There are many ways to achieve a goal and there is not one “all fits all” path to take towards success or happiness. Everyone’s method of doing and taking is different and subjective to everyone. Understand your current perspective and see where your stress or problems are coming from. Then, start exploring different relatable topics to the situation and keep on exploring. Maybe you might find a unique way of solving that problem.

🧠 Your mind plays the devil’s advocate. The true devil is not your weird neighbor that is most likely doing shady things, but it’s your mind. (But in this case, it might be your shady neighbor). Every doubt you have comes from within. It’s a doubt because it’s a way of thinking. And the way you think affects the actions and outcomes of your doings. External negativity is much easier to deal with as people have different perceptions of the situation. But internal negativity comes from a source of truth within yourself. That truth is your belief. Changing that belief to be more lenient will drastically change your mood and energy, and sometimes overcome certain fears! Remember, whenever you have some sort of doubt, it is just your mind playing the devil’s advocate.


Try a Different Angle.

Photo by Bogdan Kupriets on Unsplash.

🤔 Try a different outlook possibility. The reason why we get frustrated at a situation that we “think” we cannot solve, is all due to our current outlook on the problem and also with our knowledge of the situation. A proper way of handling a problem is to learn and see as many possibilities of being more efficient, solving problems, or finding a better path for yourself or your business. The more you know, the more paths will appear. Never limit yourself to one way of doing, but rather limit yourself to not overdue simple actions.

😶‍🌫️ We only see in our current vision. Once a problem arises, we usually get stressed out. For some, we get saddened that there is a problem that cannot be solved that easily. The simplest action to take during those stressful times is to take a breather. Don’t be stuck in that endless loop of stress and rushiness to solve the situation as fast as possible. Once you are stressed, any action or thoughts are basically obsolete. Make sure to take a good walk for around 5–15 minutes and let all thoughts go. Try to reach a state of mind where worried thoughts are not there anymore. Then come back and re-address the situation.

(My personal tip on this is to go see water. It can be the beach, a pond, or a lake, but it needs to be natural.)


The Perspective Phenomenon.

Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash.

🫥 Success is subjective. Success in our current times means being rich, being a millionaire, owning a successful company, and reaching a certain title in an industry. Those are societal’s definitions of success and yes, for some it can be a great thing to have. For some, it is their definition of success and that is totally fine. But in my eyes, success is a way of living and happiness. If you are successful, that means you have achieved peace and prosperity at the same time. Peace can come from your lifestyle, or certain actions that make you feel great. Prosperity can be monetary gains, social gains, or humanitarian gains such as charity work. Everyone’s success is different by their definition, making life a very perspective way of living. Make sure your goals align with your beliefs.

🧐 Nothing is purely right and wrong. Have you ever noticed inside the Yin Yang symbol, there are opposite-colored little circles inside either the Yin or Yang? What does that mean? From what I see, it means nothing is purely good and nothing is purely bad. Why is that? Well, I think it relates to the perspective of how you view the situation. Yes, there are crimes that are definitely very, very bad, but let’s look at something more in the gray area. If someone has to cut a relationship off due to their own personal gains, does that make them a good person or a bad person? From the outside view and the people that the person cut off from, may see it as a bad thing to do. But for him, it’s a great thing to do in order for him to keep pursuing what he loves and believes.

In the end, having a fundamental understanding of where the goodness of things happens, along with the evilness of things too. This will give you a substantial amount of knowledge and ideas that you can use to achieve a solution. Never limit your way of thinking. Always expand your thoughts and ideas and hopefully, one day, you will achieve your version of success.

(Please don’t F* people over though.)

Trivia Answer

He was scared of Mice.

The Newsletter for Productivity & Positivity.

Thanks for taking the time to read my article! 🫡

If you’re interested, I’ve created a Free Weekly Newsletter about staying Productive and Positive curated from professional studies at Harvard Medical School, MIT, Johns Hopkins University, and much more. Oh, and also personal experience :)

We gather the knowledge, you get actionable examples. 📩

We’ve also started out the 2nd edition of the Newsletter!

In this edition, we will be mainly giving the readers an open-minded approach toward new Business Tech/AI news.

We gather the knowledge, you get actionable examples. 📩

Here is an example of what you may see from our new edition:

Stay Humble Peeps. Time is Precious. ⏰



David Hu
The Focal

I write about my own experiences of growth to hopefully allow people to learn off of me. Best way to support me is to share my articles! 😉