A collection of Paperian Pankaj’s creativity and writing

Harini JBL
The Folded Paper
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

Paperian Pankaj joined us in our last in-person workshop before the lockdown and has been getting his unique ideas and perspectives to our online Writing & Creativity Jam meetings ever since. Here are some of his writing from our meetings.

The beauty of horse.

This is what he on this picture:

Picture source: Google

I will take my partner to the height of joy,
I will run faster than that toy,
He is hugging me from his thighs,
I will show him that this is joy,
I will run so fast that even speed cries,
I will give my rider wings of joy.

A madman happy with the misery of cats

He wrote his interpretation of this picture:

Picture source: Internet

The misery he created by throwing water on the family of cat but in his happiness he forgot to look at the amazing shadow that the water and cat left. He seems to be working with few people to test out if the cats have 9 lives or not. This absolute madness that this picture shows is intensified by this madman’s expression.

The morning of his dream vacation

This is what he wrote when the prompt was to write about our dream vacation:

Waking up after a cold night, wrapped in blankets and watching the sun rays falling on the floor and making the wood look golden. I want to breathe in the cold mountain air mixed with the smell of freshly brewed tea in my bed. With the first sip of tea touching my lips, I want to stand up with the blankets wrapped around me and look out of the window. The mountains just an arm away, the golden-coloured heaven shining brighter than the sun. In this moment I want to exist and believe that there is heaven. I don’t need to die. For what more can heaven be if not the golden mountains with a wooden hut and lots and lots of chai.

Want to write with such budding storytellers? Join The Folded Paper by messaging on our Instagram.

Happy Writing from The Folded Paper



Harini JBL
The Folded Paper

Practicing writing for the kitchen and the soul | Creative Content Writer at MediaAgility & Co-Creator at The Folded Paper, Writing Community