A memoir and Pizza and Salad’s date

Harini JBL
The Folded Paper
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2021

Our Paperians are extremely creative and passionate people. Following are a few glimpses of that for you. Paperian Pooja Chauhan wrote her own short memoir and Paperian Chhavi Gupta planned a date for a pizza and a salad.

Read on!

Paperian Pooja’s memoir

I have always been fond of different colours. I prefer to have colours all around me in some or the other form. Hence, Holi is the festival which fascinates me a lot. This festival brings enthusiasm and happiness along with it.

The day before Holi was a test of my brother and my patience as we used to wait for it eagerly. This was the time when we used to pick our empty bags and go shopping with our father.

We used to be very picky when it came to buying balloons, colours, and water guns as we would have had set the target in our minds about whom to attack with our colourful weapons. 🤭

After the shopping part, my grandmother used to make delectable sweets at home and she used to pour in all her love and care for us.

I still remember the aroma which filled every nook and corner of the house. As kids, our wishes always used to come true as if our loved ones had a magic wand with them.

On the festival day, we used to get up early and get ready with the bucket full of water balloons and water-filled guns. We danced our heart out and celebrated this colour filled day.

We never used to get tired of playing. If there were no people around us, then we used to hit each other with the balloons. That was so much fun.

Our house used to fill up with all our giggles. That was the time when we played freely with no worries of tomorrow.

Holi did make everyone smile and also led to the awakening of the inner child within the people.

To me, that will always remain the most delightful memories which I will cherish forever.

But, I wish I had the flying car just like in the movie Harry Potter so that I could have caught a glimpse of every state celebrating this festival.

Pizza and Salad’s date organized by Paperian Chhavi

Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels

There was a time when Pizza and Salad used to date. Pizza was very popular among the girls whereas Salad led an ordinary life. Salad had a crush on Pizza since Kindergarten but Pizza was so self-contained that he never really noticed Salad’s feelings towards him. Soon they both grew up and went to the same college.

One day, a blind date was organized. Coincidentally Pizza and Salad matched each other and started a conversation. Pizza boasted about his life and Salad realized how simple she is and was missing something but not sure what it was. After a long talk, Pizza acquired some liking towards her and admired her simplicity. He found her calm and beautiful.

Salad confessed her feelings and they fell in love. Looking at them one can say how much they compliment each other. People adore them and always enjoy their company.

Eager to explore new ideas that you might not even have thought about now? Come, attend The Folded Paper’s Writing and Creativity Jam meetings by messaging us on Instagram.

Happy Writing!



Harini JBL
The Folded Paper

Practicing writing for the kitchen and the soul | Creative Content Writer at MediaAgility & Co-Creator at The Folded Paper, Writing Community