Manga on The Blockchain? How FOMO Chronicles Plans to Fossilize Crypto Scammers

Crypto Writer Caye
5 min readAug 23, 2021


Current Success of DeFi and Blockchain Itself

FOMO Chronicles is filling up a niche that, in the crypto industry, needs to be addressed. Never before have we had the speed and anonymity that Blockchain technology has now provided to us. The clear effectiveness of this technology over legacy financial systems is evident through DeFi’s quick rise in use, which shows an 88x growth rate in TVL for each company in major DeFi platforms, in as little as one year from May 2020–2021.


How Crypto Schemes Lessens Mass Adoption

However, with great power of financial transactions, there can often be an equivalent power for misuse of the system for malicious purposes. Some of the most intelligent minds in the industry, rather than using their talent for building up Crypto’s ecosystem in a positive way, will plot elaborate schemes to trap newcomers coming into the marketplace. As a result of these injustices, the blame is often put onto the network they got scammed within, or potentially even upon the entirety of cryptocurrency itself. This results in lesser adoption of blockchain as a whole due to mistrust, and thereby reduces the full enrichment potential of the ecosystem.

Could we Increase Security Measures?

One could hypothesize that blockchain networks could collectively build up their security protocols, in an effort to reduce the potential for scammers to utilize their network. While this is a logical solution, the ease of accessibility nature of Blockchain makes doing this incredibly difficult, and in certain cases, nearly impossible. Not to mention that research done by Xangle (2021) found that 132 completely unique scam methods were conducted by malicious actors since the study began back in 2012.

While external features such as security measures may not be the optimal solution for this ongoing problem, the key to the puzzle might lie internally. If we as a community cannot prevent the ongoing activity of these actors, we must know how to proactively avoid them.

Time-Sensitive Education Done Right

This is the niche FOMO Chronicles is filling; By creating the first ever Manga-inspired educational NFT ecosystem, this team intends on meticulously analyzing each scam methodology ever undergone and documented in the crypto-industry, and provide expert insight on how to avoid these schemes.

The Optimal Formula for Maximal Learning Retention

The education will be in the form of an NFT, one that will illustrate the scheme through an enticing, and often quite humorous, dialogue. While we consider these types of financial attacks on investors very seriously, we also understand that the right ratio of high-quality education and humour can actually increase the brain’s rate of consolidating information. Put simply, our unique form of education, through Manga (or Japanese-themed cartoons) will ensure that newcomers will be readily equipped to avoid advanced crypto scams at a rate quicker than you could otherwise reading an extensive line of articles on popular crypto information websites, such as Binance Academy or CoinMarketCap.

Our Level of Appreciation to Our Community Validators

We at FOMO Chronicles realize that there is a limiting factor in our ability to provide high quality education to crypto newcomers. Due to our delivery of education being in the form of a NFT, we require a blockchain system to allow distribution and security of these digitized educational pieces. In order for our system to run, we require a distributed network of stakers to deliver the power to run the algorithms that makeup the infrastructure of the network. Put simply, our network can’t function without people staking within our ecosystem.

This is why we are readied with APY returns that considerably surpass the majority of NFT companies currently situated in the crypto-marketplace. These amplified passive earnings by our stakers act as an actionable thank you from our team, for being absolutely pivotal in making this idea a reality.

How We Intend to Reach Every Crypto-Newcomer Before They Are Exposed to Scammers

With that said, this project was developed primarily to expedite the learning process on how to avoid malicious attacks by crypto-investors, all the while sharing some laughs throughout! We also realize that without accounts holding these educational pieces, this time-sensitive information may never reach the eyes of those who need it most. The popularity of this company will ensure that every crypto newcomer will be instantly introduced to FOMO Chronicle’s educational Manga line, through features like interoperable showcasing on other popular platforms, and we have a critical feature that we believe will stimulate much of this rise in popularity.

Setting a New Standard On Passive Earnings in NFT DeFi

All holders of educational Manga NFTs will not only earn from every transaction that occurs in the FOMO Chronicles marketplace, but will also have their own personalized treasury that’s tethered to their NFT. What this means is that for every NFT a community member owns, there will be an irrevocable smart contract agreement that will provide regular passive income to the NFT holder.

We wanted to ensure that there were multiple lines of profitability avenues provided to our users who ensure the security and propagation of the educational Manga NFTs. Doing this in a sustainable fashion, we believe, will promote widespread adoption of our ecosystem, and the high passive income margins will ensure long-term stability of this large influx of community onboarding.


We are incredibly excited to venture forward with our highly motivated community already created within our ecosystem, and look forward to the coming months where our trailblazing efforts will be evident across the entirety of the crypto-industry. To learn more about our underlying technology, please look to our whitepaper and website.

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