The Top 10 Reasons You Should FOMO Into FOMO Chronicles

Crypto Writer Caye
The FOMO Chronicles
4 min readOct 7, 2021

FOMO Chronicles has finally arrived, digitizing authentic Japanese comic art in the form of educational and entertaining NFTs. Both NFTs and Manga have seen their sales rise impressively over the last year, which made bridging these thriving markets with one another an easy choice.

There are plenty of reasons why we believe FOMO Chronicles will reshape the cryptoverse and help facilitate its mass adoption. Keep reading to learn more!

#1 Top Quality NFTs with Utility

You’ve probably seen the barrage of pixeled NFT JPEGs that have flooded the metaverse leaving you thinking, “Meh. Right-click, save, and it’s mine”. However, FOMO NFTs feature animated, authentic Japanese-style artwork with a history of culture behind them… that goes above and beyond artist appeal!

FOMO NFTs are an asset with real-world use cases. Through the chronicles of our main character Otaku, these unique collectibles help educate our community on how to stay safe when navigating the metaverse. This helps to provide insights into what to look for when investing in fundamentally sound projects. Furthermore, they come jam-packed with utility from both FOMO Chronicles’ side and our partner projects.

#2 Countless Partnerships

We all want crypto to be a safe and secure environment, enabling us to reach our ultimate goal of mass adoption. FOMO Chronicles is working hard to get us all there, but we know that doing it alone is impossible. That’s why we’ve collaborated with some of the most important teams in the industry to join our efforts and break down barriers that stand in our way. We’ve partnered with teams like Ferrum Network, Babylons, Poolz, Ntvrk, Chainguardians, Roseon Finance, and many more.

Through these partnerships, we intend to not only add value to, educate and engage with communities across the space but we also intend to grow our community through our efforts. The ease in which the FOMO Chronicles model lends itself to partnerships makes the path towards organic growth very clear.

#3 Profit Sharing and Passive Income

We strive each day to ensure our users enjoy learning about the crypto space while avoiding scammers and dubious practices, but we also want their experience to be equitable. To accomplish this, we’re allocating 30% of every MANGA NFT sold to buyback $OTAKU tokens from the public exchange. The FOMO team will then airdrop these tokens to our loyal NFT and token holders. In turn, this increases the buying pressure of our native token, creating a stable price floor for all holders.

#4 Star in Your Very Own Manga

We provide our users with an opportunity to truly immerse themselves in our metaverse with the chance to star in their very own Manga! Our artists will design a character amongst our top 50 holders and immortalize them on the blockchain as they join Otaku on a wild adventure. This will come with extra rewards to be announced soon!

#5 Play to Earn

Crypto should be fun! And we’re not blind to the rapidly-growing Play to Earn gaming market that has caught the attention of gamers worldwide. As such, our ecosystem will feature a top-tier, and dare we say, addictive P2E game where players can add in-game NFTs and more $OTAKU to their holdings.

#6 Huge Buybacks

The FOMO team knows that stability is a major catalyst to long-term growth no matter what you’ve invested in. So to ensure our ecosystem flourishes over time, we will be using 45% of all MANGA NFT sales to buyback $OTAKU tokens! 30% of that goes toward our Profit Sharing and Passive Income tiers token holders and 15% will be locked for a MINIMUM of 6 months!

#7 Dedicated Manga Themed Marketplace

We wanted to ensure that the authenticity of our NFTs was never in question, and so we’ve brought on a Japanese resident advisor to seek out the world’s best Manga studios to add more valued partners to our list! The results so far have been phenomenal, and our Manga Themed Marketplace will feature a wide range of incredible artist’s NFTs that connect deeply with Manga fans. Not to mention, our Manga Themed Marketplace that is currently being built out by the #1 NFT marketplace on BSC, our proud partners — Babylons!

#8 Low Raise & TGE Market Cap

Let’s talk numbers! Early investors will have the opportunity to capitalize on owning a token with several moonshot indicators. For starters, the initial market cap at our TGE is only $120K*. The hard cap is just $730K* and when you combine this micro initial market cap with the fact that we’ve already sold 606 manga, this results in over $225K worth of BNB in our current buyback wallet pre-TGE! This sends a strong signal that $OTAKU is primed for a big launch on the open market.

*Subjected to changes due to dynamic raise.

#9 Scarce NFTs

Rarity is the key to increased value! As such, we’ll be minting a very low number of NFTs in each Manga edition. This limited supply increases demand and value, allowing our early collectors to add rare Manga NFTs to their collections.

#10 First Movers in the Field

FOMO Chronicles is the first project of its kind to bring Manga animated comics to the NFT marketplace. You have a chance to own part of a pioneer project that will reshape the cryptoverse while earning more and enjoying an entertaining engaging experience involving all of our favorite crypto niches, NFTs, and a vibrant token economy with strong fundamentals. So what are you waiting for? Start collecting your Manga treasures today!

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