Mom trying to learn Fortnite to bond with her son wants to know why “house shoe” is not a weapon option

Ju Hernandez
The Foreigner Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2022
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Local mom, Florencia de la Flor, recently tried bonding with her son over the popular video game Fortnite only to realize that house shoes are not available to avatars as weapons.

After recently seeing a neighbor boy rudely ignore his mother and behave disrespectfully at a block party, Flor decided to double-down on efforts to make sure her already sheltered son was spending enough quality time with her. Noticing how much her son adores the action role-playing game Fortnite, the mom decided to try it for herself.

As her son flipped through menu options for the avatar, efforts reached a standstill when it came to weapon choice.

“I asked her what she wanted to arm herself with. She said chancla. I told her that wasn’t an option and she got mad,” recalls a giggling Benjamin, Flor’s 13 year old son and Fortnite enthusiast.

“Oh, come on! That’s stupid! Of course it’s a weapon! It’s the best weapon because it’s camouflaged as a shoe and you always got it on you and no one suspects it, then bam!” Flor says while whipping her shoe into her hand.

As Benjamin tried explaining, “They mean weapons like guns and knives and deadly stuff.”

“Oh, you don’t think this can be deadly?” Flor said to her son who flinched.

While the mother and son duo have yet to actually play the game together, Benjamin thinks Minecraft might be a better option for his mom, “It’s just digging and diamonds…Wait, never mind, there’s zombies, black magic, she’s not going to like that.”



Ju Hernandez
The Foreigner Blog

I'm just a girl...standing in front of a boy...and farting.