Restaurants And Compliments: A Cheat Sheet For American-born People With Immigrant Friends
If you were born in the U.S. and raised by parents who were also born in the U.S., then your immigrant friends will probably not understand much of the terminology you use.
After-School Programs
Hilarious that your parents spent extra money on this. Just hilarious.
This is where we can find a commonality on the Venn diagram! We also had babysitters…*
*Our grandparents
Childhood Bedrooms
Don’t ask us if our childhood bedrooms were turned into offices or gyms. It’s where our grandparents live now. It’s always going to be where our grandparents live now. Stop asking.
We do not receive these from family members. We do not know what these are. This is why we stare in awe when your parents and extended family members say things like “I love you,” “way to go,” and “you’re enough.” Give us a minute to collect ourselves. Oh, and if the compliments are unsolicited, please have smelling salts handy.
Destination Weddings
If by “Destination Wedding” you mean that the destination of the wedding is a deep discount at your uncle’s…