Stuff Said to Americans Abroad

James Nikopoulos
The Foreigner Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2021
A map of the Americas made by Sebastian Münster in 1550.
  • Americans don’t care about family.
  • Americans only care about money.
  • If I give you the money, will you buy me something from America?
  • America has no history. (Mostly Europeans say this.)
  • America has no culture. (Always Europeans.)
  • Why are Americans so fat? (Northern Europeans ask this.)
  • America is corrupt too, just nobody talks about it. (Comes up in corrupt countries.)
  • Why do you ask “How are you?” if you don’t wait for an answer? (Comes up in Russian-speaking countries.)
  • Why do you care more about guns than children? (Parents ask this.)
  • Don’t shoot me! (People who think they’re funny say this, while putting their hands up.)
  • America is the land of freedom. (Always uttered sincerely, by people who claim to be from unfree countries.)
  • Americans don’t understand real freedom. (Always by people who claim they do.)
  • Americans don’t understand math.
  • Americans have funny accents. (Said by people with funny accents, obviously.)
  • Americans have ugly accents. (Said by people with really funny accents.)
  • My brotha! (Only young men who are not black say this to young American men who are also not black.)
  • Do you understand? You like? (Only ever asked after rap music of dubious provenance has been turned on.)
  • Have you ever seen a celebrity? (Only if you say you are from Los Angeles or New York.)
  • Oh… (Only if you say you are not from Los Angeles or New York.)
  • Americans don’t know geography.
  • It is my dream to visit America. (Only for those with no shot of doing so.)
  • I love America. (Only professed by those who have lived in America.)

