Is This It?

Rena Willis
The Land of the Forgotten
4 min readSep 3, 2021


A GenX Mid-life Crisis Rant

Black and White Elephant Face. Is This It? By Rena Willis
Photo by Michael Davis on Unsplash

“You’re so brave,” she says. She waves her cell phone, pointing at my most recent Instagram post. My daughter had snapped the photo — sand clinging to my hair and sticking to my cheeks, my midriff exposed — a captured moment of joy with family and friends.

Apparently, it takes courage to look like me.

She means well. Her twenty-something body vibrates with politically correct good intentions. After all, we are living in the age of body positivity. Right? I glance in the mirror above the table. I don’t look at myself. I never look at myself anymore — too afraid I won’t recognize my own reflection.

I turn 49 this month. I don’t feel 49, at least on the inside. On the inside, I am 30 and trim and attractive and witty and bold and sexual. On the outside, I am a casualty of gravity, of slow metabolism, and perimenopause — a car wreck of accumulated life choices. My boobs are racing for my waistline. I need a side mirror to see around my backside. And I’m not even discussing the skin under my arms. My face is young. My hands are wrinkled.

I am overweight, round in a way that can’t be disguised by flowy material or ‘so-slimming’ jeans or floral print. Although, if we are honest, does floral print ever help? Worse, I am overweight and short. I could be a rom-com sidekick if I were even remotely bubbly.



Rena Willis
The Land of the Forgotten

Writer & Educator — one midlife crisis away from a bestseller.