Understanding Different Types of Abuse

In this section I wanted to share with you the six types of abuse that children suffering from and what they consist of. Let’s look at each type of abuse and what they can consist of.

Physical Abuse

  • Hitting
  • Biting
  • Punching
  • Kicking
  • Burning
  • Shaking
  • Choking
  • Throwing

The only deviation from this would be if it physical discipline. This of course has to be within reason and cannot cause bodily harm to the child. Yes, it is okay to spank your child, but not to spank them so hard that they walk around with bruises on their bottom for a week.


  • No food
  • No shelter
  • No adult supervision
  • Lack of medical care
  • Lack of education
  • Not tending to their emotional and or psychological needs

Children need to feel safe and secure and feel they can approach their parents with anything. These are the basics needs of any child.

Sexual Abuse

  • Fondling a child’s genitals
  • Intercourse
  • Incest
  • Rape
  • Sodomy
  • Indecent exposure
  • Child prostitution
  • Child pornography

Children that suffer from sexual abuse have a hard time with boundaries and trust. Their personal space has been violated and they will spend most of their lives not trusting anyone.

Emotional Abuse

  • Constantly putting the child down
  • Threatening the child
  • Rejecting the child

Children need constant guidance, love and support, without these things, it is consider emotional abuse.


  • Parent cannot be located
  • Parent leaves child alone and in turn harm is caused

It is the responsibility of the parent and or guardian to ensure that if they can not be with their child that they place them in the care of a responsible party.

Substance Abuse

  • Prenatal exposure
  • Manufacturing of methamphetamine in the presence of a child
  • Giving illegal drugs to a child
  • The use of drugs by parent that will impair the care they will give to their child

Children are curious and like to put things in their mouths at young ages. Just because you did not give it to them you can be held responsible if they ingest it on accident. All of this information was provided from Child Welfare Information Gateway. If you are interested in reading the whole article the link is below.

Now, not all of these signs will definitely mean that the child is being abused, but they may be a good sign that the child may be suffering from abuse. Remember kids will be kids and just because they may have a bruise does not mean that they are being abused. Below is a good guide to follow if you suspect that a child is suffering from abuse.

