Write a one-page story using these words: apple, inferno, tattoo, leopard, opera. (60 Minutes)

Avery Price
Full Court Press
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018

(Trust me by the title this sounds weird but I put those 5 words into basketball related story and I thought it was pretty cool, If you enjoy these type of articles clap this page up for me!)

Kendall woke up on a bright sunny day and on his mind was nothing but the start of his 10 day contract with the Phoenix Suns. Growing up in Phoenix, the suns were his go to team and always wanted to play for them. He enjoyed watching Steve Nash growing up and not to mention the inferno like logo. Tomorrow was the day Kendall got to intend his first practice on an NBA team. His college career was decent with Arizona State starting his Senior year but not putting up the best numbers with 7 points and 5 rebounds. Kendall worked out all day to make sure he was ready for tomorrow and before he went to sleep he stepped outside of his apartment and dribbled the basketball, between the legs, around the back and many other moves for an hour. As he laid down he looked at the tattoo on his right arm and said “I love you dad” and then fell asleep. As he drives up to the practice facility the first thing Kendall points out is the statue of the dead legend Connie Hawkins and just sits and admires it for a few seconds. Walking into the building at the same time as Kendall is newly acquired Forward Trevor Ariza. Trevor states “Hey rookie, I know were both knew to this team but I’ve been in the league longer than you and I will embarrass you and do whatever I can to make you a better player. You understand me.” “Yes I understand.” Kendall fires back. Kendall finds his locker and puts his practice jersey and shoes then turns around and sees Tyson Chandler rounding up all the rookies. Immediately Kendall is scared and turns back around but Tyson still grabs him, Deandre Ayton and Mikal Bridges and brings them too the middle of the court and forces them too sing opera in front of the whole coaching staff and players. Deandre and Mikal had fun with it and messed around but that’s because there well known 1st round picks. Kendall was very scared because this was his first time performing in front of a crowd, let alone an NBA roster. Practice starts and Devin Booker is killing the scene as usual, Kendall gets his shot when the bench players face the starters and he did very well with 2 points and 3 assists for only playing a very short amount of time. After practice Kendall is walking out and the water boy and is handing out fruits, Kendall grabs an apple and orange and heads to his car. On his way home he runs into a group of kids about 9–10 of them playing basketball. Kendall decides to pull over and watch. A couple of the kids were looking very good so Kendall went and introduced himself. “You kids don’t know me but I’m currently on the Phoenix Suns roster.” The kids laughed and said we would recognize you we all want to be a Phoenix Sun someday. “I know I know, I’m on a 10 day contract but that’s beside the point, Can I hoop with you guys and show a couple moves.” The kids introduce themselves, “I’m Rameis, I’m Lester but call me Les, I’m Dae, I’m Josh but they call me Leopard, Kenny, O, Avery and, I’m Pierre.” Wait, they call you Leopard.” Kendall laughs. “Yeah see my freckles, I look like a Leopard.” Josh says. The boys play basketball and Kendall leaves back home to his apartment where he hopes to make it on the roster after the 10 days.



Avery Price
Full Court Press

I'm a 16 year old with a passion for writing. But not just writing about anything, I love watching sports like Basketball and Football. Plus Rap!