Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence

An Upcoming Book by The Foundation for Research Into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE)

After 4 years of conducting the world’s first comprehensive multi-language and international academic research study on UFO related Contact with Non Human Intelligence (NHI), The FREE Foundation will finally be publishing its historic new book in August of 2018.

Soon available for pre-order on

The Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiencers, or FREE, a 501c3 academic research foundation, comprised of 11 Ph.D. physicists, scientists, neuroscientists and lay researchers, will be publishing a book analyzing the data of our FREE Experiencer Research Study.

We will have more than 21 authors writing 22 chapters on the historic findings which totally contradict much of what is circulating in the field of Ufology. In two volumes, these books will soon be the authority for UFO related contact with NHI. This historic research will establish a new paradigm for viewing the phenomena of UFO Contact with NHI, not by associating it with UFOs, but by associating it via Consciousness and the Contact Modalities (contact via UFOs, NDEs, OBEs, Spirits/Ghosts, Channeling, Remote Viewing, Orbs, Hallucinogenic Journeys, ESP, Telepathic Communications, Meditation, etc).

FREE hypothesizes that all “Paranormal” Contact with NHI is interrelated and might be one phenomenon instead of separate phenomena and that advanced theories of “Consciousness” can begin to reveal this relationship.

FREE also believes that cross comparative research on the “Experiencers” of the Contact Modalities is the key to understand the mystery of what is Consciousness — what is the true nature of our reality. Please read the attached Book Description and the famous authors that will be discussing our FREE data and writing groundbreaking articles on our FREE Experiencer Research Study. You can email to request a sample chapter.

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Dr. Lisa Galarneau aka Artemis Pax
The Foundation For Research Into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE)

Anthropologist, Futurist, Design/UX Researcher, Veteran, Lightworker, Democrat, #TheResistance Activist. and Artist