sofia sabogal
The Foundational
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2020

As a high school student with little to no experience cooking because of her parent’s scared-y nature, I think I speak for most when I say “Enough!”

I’m not encouraging or asking everyone to become chefs and master the art of cooking through these recipes, but am simply offering a couple of ideas to make at home which is guaranteed to be safe. And for the record, all recipes are not only easy but will not make your parents freak out.

To begin, let’s start with a basic recipe!


An extremely easy and quick way to get a great start to your day and start on the right foot is through a fresh plate of eggs. Rather than taste dry, lumpy and bland, this recipe will result in a fresh and light taste!

For one portion: (ingredients)

  • Two eggs
  • Cream cheese
  • Diced/cut tomatoes (1 cup)
  • I love my eggs with tones because the tomato provides an explosion of freshness and taste so I add around 1 cup.


  • Splash a bit of oil into the pan (stainless or ceramic work find)
  • Crack and add them into pan
  • Wait for them to cook for around 20 seconds
  • Now add the cut tomatoes (and wait another 10 seconds)
  • Now add 1 tablespoon of cream cheese and wait for it to melt into the eggs
  • Cook until favored texture (but not too much or else it will dry up!)
  • Serve and enjoy!


As stated above, this recipe is on the basic side! But this doesn’t diminish its tastiness and the variety you can find by just changing up the ingredients used!


Avocado Toast: The oh-so-popular trend is perfect for a quick morning snack without making tons of noise and without requiring tons of ingredients!

  • Toasted bread (any brand/type is suitable)
  • Avocado
  • Roma/Cherry tomatoes (2)

Almond butter Toast: A creamy way to start your morning, while including some delicious fruit!

  • Toasted bread (any brand/type is suitable)
  • Almond butter
  • 1 whole banana

Marmalade and cheese: Ok, hear me out! The sweetness from the jelly and the saltiness contrast from the cheese is perfect because of the differences in taste! Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!

  • Toasted bread (any brand/type is suitable)
  • Any cheese (spreadable or placeable on the toast)
  • Jelly (strawberry works the best!)

Instructions: (It’s pretty self-explanatory but still!)

  • Toast any amount of bread favored
  • Spread either of the ingredients above atop the toasted bread
  • Add toppings if desired
  • Serve and enjoy


This one is probably one of the more demanding recipes, requiring you to wait around 10–15 minutes! The easy to create and store in the fridge bowl of rice is perfect for a light meal! Rather than only eat the rice on its own you would ideally add some steamed veggies, fried egg, (one of my personal favorites: vegan meat!) avocado!

Rice bowl (ingredients)

  • Oil for the rice cooker (a splash!)
  • 2 cups of water to add to the cooker
  • 1 cup of any rice that is easy and quick to cook
  • Any other topping you would like
  • Could include:
  • Veggies
  • Cheese
  • Egg
  • Sriracha


  • Splash a bit of oil into the rice cooker/or any utensil you have to cook the rice
  • Add two cups of water into pan/rice cooker
  • Add one cup of rice into the mix and sprinkle a little bit of salt
  • Wait for the rice to cook
  • Serve into the dish and add any topping you would like
  • Enjoy!


Super filling and nutritious if you add in the right stuff! Instead of your normal American Cheese, try out this recipe with vegan cheese (which are oftentimes made from sunflower seeds and cashews!) Along with a change in cheese, vary your morning/afternoon/dinner snack with some avocado in the center to pop out a freshness factor!

Grilled Cheese (ingredients)

  • Cheese (any type/brand you like)
  • Bread! (Whole wheat to white bread works fine!)
  • Add avocado for a burst of flavor


  • Add butter onto the surface of a pan
  • Make the grilled cheese by placing any desired cheese inside the bread
  • Place already-made sandwich into the pan
  • Let it sit for around five minutes (until cheese is melted)
  • Serve and enjoy!


Ok, so spoiler — there is NO sugar in the bowl! Nonetheless, this creamy mixture of banana with any type of milk (plant-based included) is delicious and too easy to pass on in the busy morning!

Banana Milk Bowl (ingredients)

  • A whole banana
  • Oat milk (Any type of milk, but plant-based preferred!)


  • Grab a bowl
  • Get a banana and slice into small and even pieces
  • Place banana into a bowl
  • Add desired milk into the mix
  • Enjoy!

