How to hang out with your friends without getting COVID

Alonso Muñoz
The Foundational
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2020

In March, you probably downloaded a lot of apps like Houseparty and Discord to keep in touch with your friends when you realized that corona virus was here for good, but as online learning progressed, you eventually started to experience what is known as “zoom fatigue” and when people were suggesting to hang out during the breaks between classes, the last thing you wanted to do was continue to stare at a screen so you declined those opportunities. You want to see them in person, but you are scared of getting sick. Well, I have one thing to tell you, you can see your friends and relatives, but you gotta know how to do it.

Knowing what you can and can’t do

Source: Texas Medical Association

The most important thing to consider when hanging out with friends is boundaries. When people started going out again, you probably noticed their social media stories of how they were interacting with each other irresponsibly, as if corona virus never existed. When you hang out with your friends again, you should do it in an outdoor setting where there is enough room to socially distance. In this image, you can observe the risk of contracting corona virus based on different activities. When you hang out with your friends, you should participate in activities that are in the range of “low risk” and “moderate-low risk” and some “moderate risk” activities with extra precaution. If you live in Mexico City, there is a large variety of outdoor restaurants and parks where you can see your friends.

Masks: the new key to success

Whether you choose to participate in a low-risk activity like playing tennis or a high-risk activity like going to a sports stadium, you should always wear a mask, even if the President of the United States tells you otherwise. Masks are the deal breaker in whether you get sick or not and protect not only yourself but your family and the community. Below is an image of the different risks of contracting COVID-19 depending on the masking situation.

Source: Washington State Department of Health

So, should I plan something with my friends?

It depends. If you and your friends are willing to follow all the guidelines and recommendations, yes. If you or your friends are too lazy to do so, then don’t bother and just wait for quarantine to be over.



Alonso Muñoz
The Foundational

100% Mexican. Writer and Vice President at The Foundational. I love to bike, play golf, and read the newspaper. Future lawyer or economist.