About Founder Stories

Founder Stories covers inspiring stories from the founders changing the world. We believe good stories should be inspiring and empowering.

We cover mainly technology founders, emphasizing Silicon Valley-based founders with notoriety, high-growth companies, and who have paved new roads. We periodically do roundups, connecting various stories and trends with a group of founders. We do not cover investors.

We publish once per week, please Follow & Subscribe for updates.

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Where to send a pitch

We are a small and mighty team of part-time researchers, writers, and editors, so we do not accept pitches now. Check back soon as we expand staffing.

Interested in writing for Founder Stories?

We’re looking for visual storytellers with a big heart for technology, startups, and inspiring others to take action. If you are interested in writing with us, leave a private note on one of our articles and let us know, and we will be in touch.

Our Editorial Process

At Founder Stories, we are committed to bringing you accurate and trustworthy content. Each piece of content is developed by our in-house editorial team in partnership with reviewers and fact-checkers. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on primary sources (public statements, official websites, live interviews) and secondary sources from verified publications or institutions.

We’re working hard to improve continually, so we want to hear from you if we could be doing better. If you have any questions or comments about the accuracy of our content or feel an article is outdated, you can easily let us know by leaving a private note on the specific piece.

Our team wants to ensure you can always find timely, fact-based information.

Founder Stories

Inspiring stories from the founders changing the world

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