Why Don’t More Teachers Use VR in the Classroom? (INFOGRAPHIC)

foundry10 News
Published in
May 12, 2020

Virtual reality has the potential to be an incredible educational tool. But we’re not quite there yet. In 2017–2018 the Virtual Reality and Research teams at foundry10 ran a study that focused on VR in the Classroom.

We interviewed 17 teachers three times over the course of the school year. Our interviews focused on understanding the teachers’ approach to technology implementation, uses of VR in their class, and their perceptions of VR’s value as a classroom technology.

Throughout the school year we heard teachers’ attitudes towards VR shift between enthusiasm and frustration, and we decided to look deeper into this pattern. We found that VR, although new and exciting, presented many implementation hurdles that needed to be remedied in order to meet teachers’ expectations.

We felt that focusing on the hurdles of implementing VR in the classroom set a realistic expectation for educators looking to bring the technology into their classrooms, and it prompted a needed discussion on how others have overcome or adjusted to these barriers in order to get VR to successfully work for their students. The following infographic is a summary of our findings.

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foundry10 is an education research organization with a philanthropic focus on expanding ideas about learning and creating direct value for youth.