Letter to the Editor: Return to the Teenage Brain

Taylor Lee
The Fourth Wall: ERWC Fourth Period
1 min readOct 21, 2016

In the artical “Return to the Teenage Brain”, constructed by Richard A. Friedman on October 8, 2016 in The New York Times made a point stating that he wanted to make us return to the teenage brain. He has made many great studies about giving medicine to people that are middle aged that don’t need it so that he could test his study on how people can re-open the memory gap in there brain. He tested on the subjects and saw that is altered there brain to the point that they would learn and retain the smarts that kids are able to learn at such a young age.

He claims that children from the ages of 6 to about 12 are in the biggest time where they can learn. If you had a kid that started to learn the piano at the age of 6 would learn sand have the focus. Another statement that Friedman stated was that adults don’t have the same mind as a 6 year old child.

Taylor L.

