Letter to the Editor: “Return To The Teenage Brain”

Jimmy H.
The Fourth Wall: ERWC Fourth Period
1 min readOct 20, 2016

Jeremy Rifkin has found a plethora of informative and convincing studies to support his argument that, like our fellow humans, animals experience emotion and cognitive thinking, which we need to recognize in order to begin empathizing with animals.

Animals are crucial to our ecosystem, and I agree with Rifkin that humans tend to overlook that. I am overjoyed at the evidence of pigs craving attention and being prone to depression without extroverted interaction because humans have the upperhand in society and ought to take the first step and identify with them for them.

Photo Credit: Alexas_Fotos / Flickr

I am not saying that we should place animals on an untouchable pedestal, but maybe we should think twice before supporting certain companies and businesses that exploit them and shove their mental health to the side.

Jimmy Hawkins III

