Overcrowding in the Prison System

Taylor Lee
The Fourth Wall: ERWC Fourth Period
3 min readNov 4, 2016

The real question is why are our prisons so full?

Prison Crowded (Wikimedia Commons)

I continue to think that we as a nation have a problem on how our prison system is ran. According to Audrey Williams from the American Legislative Exchange Council stated that this country, “holds 2.4 Million people in 1,719 Prisons, 102 federal prisons, 2,259 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,283 local jails, and 79 Indian Country jails as well as in military prisons, immigration detention facilities, civil commitment centers, and prisons in the U.S. territories.”

On average an inmate costs taxpayers $31,286 per year. That is absolutely insane, that is the average cost of a student going to college for a year, and now we have to pay for people that have done minor, horrific, and or terrific crimes to live and thrive in prison. I believe that most people would love not having to pay a tax that does nothing for them.

Pictures of Money (Flickr)

I believe that people that have committed horrible crimes should be killed for what they have done. Prisoners are in jail rotting as us taxpayers are making payments each year to help them stay alive, I believe that that is bogus. If they have committed of a crime that was brutal or if they were given life sentences, why should they be able to live while someone is mourning the loss of a loved one.

This is going to sound harsh but I think that we as nation should bring back the firing squad. I truly believe that executing someone by a single gunshot to his/her head is cheaper and quicker than a lethal injection. Taxpayers are all about saving money so I believe that this would be the best way to go.

Defense Images (Flickr)

Here is a scenario of a gang member from Los Angeles that has just robbed a drugstore at gunpoint. He shot everyone that was in the store and killed 5 people and 2 out of the group were children. He stole the money and ran. Latter the surveillance showed what had happened and the police ended up arresting him. The man went to court and was given 5 counts of armed robbery and 5 counts of second degree murder. Since this man committed this crimes he could be going to jail for no more than 10 life sentences.

Why would we pay for him to stay alive for all of those years?

I know that a lot of people would agree with me on my viewpoint that this man should not be able to live because he took not only one person’s life but 5.

Could you imagine all of those families mourning the loss of their loved ones…

Taylor L.

