Ever Feel ALONE in Your Entrepreneurial Pursuits?

Andre Abi Awad
The Freedom Owner
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2021

Ever feel alone in your entrepreneurial pursuits?

Ever feel like you’re doing it all wrong and that everyone else is doing better than you? (or so their social media accounts would have you believe!?)

Do you find yourself asking why you’re still struggling, no matter what you do?

I know I have, many times.

You easily get drained. You second-guess yourself and your abilities. You compare yourself to others… and all this KILLS your confidence.

It’s that feeling of nobody around you ‘getting it’, knowing what it’s like to be working hard each day towards the ultimate goal of career and financial independence. I used to feel like this a LOT, until I got involved with mastermind groups — it honestly changed my life.

From meeting and working with entrepreneurs at mastermind events that I’ve run locally and regionally, I’ve discovered that it’s the same for virtually all of us. We all surrender to ‘entrepreneurial loneliness’ from time to time.

The cost of all this? Loss of profits, opportunities, growth, personal development, relationships, and even health!

Sitting back and simply accepting that ‘this is the way it is’ can and WILL have a harmful effect on your growth as a business owner. Until you make one key change, that is:

Find the people that ‘get it’ and surround yourself with them.


Having LikeMinded people around you, whenever you need them and wherever you are, makes a huge difference in your growth, as an entrepreneur… well, as a human being!

Surrounding yourself with others that ‘get it’ allows you to:

  • Quickly get back on track
  • Remind yourself that you’re not alone
  • Appreciate your ideas and goals
  • Push yourself to the success line way more often

The fact is that nobody has a monopoly on good ideas — and yours has every right to be out there in the world, helping to solve people's problems and making a difference.

This is why, back in September 2012, I started the first Mastermind Group — to bring together entrepreneurs, focusing on building a business they can be proud of.

Since 2012, I created many Mastermind Groups, most of the members participated in my workshops and programs around the region, and invitations to join were private. However, I’m launching a new “Achievers Mastermind” group by the first week of June.

If you’re not on the Wait-list yet, just fill this form, and we will contact you by the 3rd week of May for members’ selection.

If it’s that feeling of not going into battle on your own that you’re after, then we’ll have you covered. Inside of the “Achievers Mastermind”, nobody gets left behind.


See you inside our “Achievers Mastermind” Group soon.



Andre Abi Awad
The Freedom Owner

Claim your Freedom as a Business Owner — Read more on “The Freedom Owner” publication on my profile. Helping Entrepreneurs in 54 countries since 2008.