Marks for Perseverance and other poems- Patricia Walsh

The Freedom Review
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2020
Photograph: Business Ethics

Marks for Perseverance


Exiled to a lonely corner, wanting more than letting on

something is wrong with the state of myself,

love as transaction, flowing freely of course

being silently watched, no effort at a smile.


Making the world go round, insolent situation

cutting hands and feet to ribbons in protest,

I don’t care about you anymore, if I ever did

rolling one’s own jelly babies not really my problem.


Serial butterflies galvanise the rotten core,

protected in instances of eventual delivery

home-grown opportunity not a mortal sin

just the run of the day, everything is special.


Principles aside, nothing at a loss.

Breaking through ranks, ass being grass

and me being the lawnmower, catch you out

mutual benefit never hurt anybody.


Instant messages, never mind the duress

the tawdry ambition ascending for the kill

bleeping phones on a constant adventures

transmitting turn-ons, a glorious guilt.


Streetscape for want of a better life,

the passer-by muscles by a hearty congratulations

knowing less than required, plugged-in cartoons

advertising psychosis hidden in a purpose.

— — — — — —



Wet and tame, from an unfathomable journey

drenched to the marrow, a failure’s song

seats being taken, fast friends watching by

consuming junk a survival pact, forthwith

closing the drawer on negative history.


Haggling through fairy tales, a prouder fancy

kissed in full view, slammed into order,

not respected afterwards, by any party

wandering through the river, declarative

cigarette in one hand, rolled unwisely.


Living to regret, a good size girl you are now

more than an apology needed to up the ante

poisoning gatherings, when we need to celebrate

any excuse for an event marred by you

attention sought and delivered, grudgingly.


Making use of telephones in slight chagrin,

brilliant mistakes prolong a certain agony

preserving social occasions for these loves only

lingering pain never crosses this mind,

sympathetic crossings teach little and often.


Drinking the poisoned water, immersed for same

whole decadence in a little crowded room

devoid of conversation, needing the quips

necessary to live nicely, hating the same

attractive phobias hiding behind propriety.

— — — — — —

Eternal Vocal


Brushing ahead, temperatures rising

seated outside in the sweltering heat.

Cannibalising sources at a perfunctory will

conversion fodder over as many days

inveigled crossways into a salvation.


Mission being to the world, over the tannoy,

name-checking the Bible after a fashion,

convert from heaven and earth, assigning

some glorious soul that is worth redeeming,

thrilled through occupation otherwise staid.


Praying in another tongue, scarified

bringing toys to school no mean feat

force-fed today’s lesson after a baptism

writing from a necessary fount of knowledge

other commitments watch as stars implode.


Shaken-looking enemies in one’s own household

bringing fire to the earth always happens

spoof doctrine tightly bound in prayer

destination theology never sounded so sweet

cutting the sinner’s edge, saving face.


Supporting on licence, cleared at half-time,

Cross-eyed doctrine burning on the long finger

rewarded through exposure, an exclusion zone,

apologise through indifference, a hard fate

softer days find a way to infatuate your psyche.

— — — — — — —

Christian Witchcraft


Tripping sagely in the common space

founded by licence by an omnivorous cry

future being everywhere, cover versions aside,

simple venom towards the room of confidence

god knows a purpose for other people

shaken to foundations a test for livelihood.


Stuck together, like perfume, fateful lessons,

exorcising through a touch, a purpose redeemed,

being anything you want, as long as it’s free

the childlike gaping at the parental world

kept free from sin for the time being

assisting the afflicted in a moment’s effort.


Fostering the wrong type of attention,

speaking in tongues a novel type of expression

lightly scared, by return of post and air,

whittling the light-switch to a comfortable stub

recognising bygones in throwaway television

avoiding same, salvation permitting, solid.


The educated fear, politely dissociating

enough for another day, withdrawn from society,

visitation from on high, crippled through ignorance

attempting to act, on a prize-give free,

salvation turning on itself, a sociable drunk

flashes of brilliance enough to cry in the wilderness.

— — — — — —

Local Saviour


Photography, being truth, begs a productive line

appealing to the miscreants hobbling fine.

Purposefully falling at the first hurdle,

falsely modest, switched off, no hurry.


Out of sight, remaining outside the look,

salvation at arm’s length in the oppressive heat,

supporting the diehards, familiarity ignored

seeing eventual results on a season’s broadcast.


Managing perspectives, too much to call for,

manhandling crosses a meeting denied

taunted from truth, a hardwired domesticity

familiar slights burning like heaven.


The cocktail of experience, scared by salvation

marry or avoid, under the orange sky,

tired exhibitions cry out for recognition

godly exhortations freak the dark fantastic.


Stealing, for celestial betterment, an exorcism

complexion changed under cover of right,

sleeping in tongues a readiness profoundly

summarily married over a technical fault.


The truth will in and out, stationary following,

this occupation serves well, thanks for asking

weak spots in the psyche let the baptism in

the tracked mind paying for run-on tweaks.



Patricia Walsh was born and raised in the parish of Mourneabbey, Co Cork. Her first collection of poetry titled Continuity Errors was published in 2010, and a novel titled the Quest for Lost Éire, in 2014. Her poetry has been published in Southword; Narrator International; Third Point Press, Revival Journal; Seventh Quarry; Hesterglock Press; The Quarryman; Unlikely Stories; and Otherwise Engaged. A further collection of poetry, titled Outstanding Balance, is scheduled for publication in August of 2020. She was the featured poet in the inaugural edition of Fishbowl Magazine, and is a regular attendee at the O Bheal poetry night in Cork city.

