The Freedom Review
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020


In this era of sugarcoating and commodification of art as an apparatus for mere pleasure- The Freedom Review is looking for unfiltered, opinionated art that revolt against the various set of establishments. We don’t like art being sugarcoated. So, be honest. Be blatant. Be bold. As a magazine, we want to represent the voices of the oppressed, the marginalized and the alienated.

We don’t want you to write for anyone, but yourself.

When do we like reading?

The Freedom Review is an avid reader. So, feel free to send us your work anytime. We are looking forward to listening to your unique voices.

(Please, flood our email with submissions. We don’t mind getting loads of email.)

What are we expecting?

We are interested in poetry, opinions, fiction, reviews and artworks that smashes patriarchy, speaks up against authoritarianism, and protests against oppression, in general. We are also open to your suggestions regarding newer tributaries that this ship can explore.

But, before you attach your files and send it to us, please go through our specific guidelines for each section.

In poetry

“Poetry is a criticism of life”

-Mathew Arnold

We are looking for anything that is not cliche. If your poetry has a flavor of protest, we are definitely interested. If your poetry rebels against the conservative mindset of the society, we are waiting for it. If your poetry challenges the existing, reactionary approach, we already love it. If your poetry believes in absolute freedom, we need it here. And, if your poetry is a criticism of life, and romanticism of progressive thoughts, we are excited to read it.

(Send us any number of poems. We don’t dictate the numbers here)

In Opinions

“A wise man makes his own decisions; an ignorant man follows public opinion.”

-Chinese proverb

Don’t be an ignorant man. Send us your informed opinions on literally anything. We will read it. Attack the government and its policies, take a sledgehammer and break the chains of machismo and patriarchy, hold populist narrative and art accountable- do it here. This is the space where freedom is not just a word. It actually means something.

(Try and keep your angst limited to 3000 words)

In Fiction

“Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”

-Albert Camus

Tell us the truth of the society through your fictional stories. Document the present, bring back the forgotten stains of the past, and show it to the future. We are looking forward to reading your work.

(Words are precious. Don’t spend more than 3k at a time)

In Reviews

“A little learning is a dang’rous thing”


So, before you review a book, a series, a movie or anything related to art, read and read more about what you are going to write. And, once you are done reading and writing down your review, feel free to send it to us.

(It only supports 2000 words)

In artworks

The purpose of art is the fight for freedom.

-Ai Weiwei

That sums up everything. If your art fights for freedom, send it to us. We will be more than happy to your comrade.

(Please, send at least two of your works.)

How can you find us?

Mail us your submissions at and wait for a week for our response before sending it anyone else (in case of fresh work). We accept both unpublished and previously published works (at author’s own risk) of translation and original art. Before sending it to us, do revise your work well.

Also, do send in a small bio, and a small description of your work alongside.

Do we pay anything?

No. We are unable to pay our contributors and so, we are not charging a penny from them as well. It is a free trade.

If we don’t reply back to your submission within 7 working days, it means somehow it doesn’t suit our publishing palate. So, consider sending it to other places.

