100 Things To Do In 2024 To Reach My Self-Publishing Goals

*Updated June 11, 2024* 19 Completed / 12 Abandoned

The Freedom to Write


Created by Author on Canva

Alright, so I recently inspired Jamie Northrup — Minimalist Hustler with a post about writing an ‘about me page’ which he added to a list about 100 tasks to achieve his side hustle goals and he created a list to share with the world.

Well, that inspiration has doubled back and here I am sharing 100 things I’d like to accomplish toward my self-publishing goals this year.

Today, I want to share with you my 100 tasks and if this inspires you to do something similar, share it, and be sure to link both of us to the article!

And of course, as I work my way through these tasks, I will update as I go here an on 𝕏 (be sure to follow over there!)

Let’s dive into the 100 tasks for 2024!

These are in no particular order as well and are listed as they come to me or from other lists I have around my writing.

  1. Define what ‘sustainable simplicity’ looks like for writing this year. (DONE. Read about it.)
  2. Compile a list of articles from my own writing and from others to share on Self-Publishing Daily. (DONE, Self-Publishing Daily is back up and running!)



The Freedom to Write

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com