Can You Write And Publish A Book In 24 Hours?

Yes, and here’s how to do it.

The Freedom to Write


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I believe there are three things that help self-publishing authors make money on Amazon KDP and they are:

  1. Publishing lots of books.
  2. Marketing those books.
  3. Build a following.

If you do those three things, sooner or later, you will start making significant money on Amazon KDP.

I have seen start working for me. And I have seen this to be true for many of the people who are ‘gurus’ in self-publishing.

So the question is, should you try and pump out tons of books? And if so, can you do this in a 24 hour period?

My Experience Writing and Publishing a Book in 24 Hours

I recently decided to challenge myself with writing and publishing a book in 24 hours as part of a 10 digital product in 10 days challenge.

Now, don’t get me wrong, this is ambitious. But, it is also an opportunity to put the skills and knowledge I have to the test.

This book I created is not meant to teach a vast amount of information, it is meant to solve a particular problem and do it in a quick way so it can be implemented. And that is just what I did.



The Freedom to Write

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: