How To Diversify Your Writing Income Without Spreading Yourself Thin

Don’t put your eggs in one basket, but don’t have too many baskets

The Freedom to Write


Photo by Michelle Garres on Unsplash

I used to earn all my writing income from two platforms. Then both platforms tanked.

When that happened. I was earning peanuts and I had to rethink my strategy for making money as a writer online.

Thankfully, this was a side hustle, so it didn’t put me into dire straights. Yet, had I been 100% dependent on that income, I would have been in big trouble.

You Need to Diverify Your Income, Here’s How..

Today, I want to share a few ways you can diversify your income without overloading yourself and burning out.

It has taken me six months to figure this out, but once I did, it has helped me cultivate several streams of income without increasing my workload.

It doesn’t mean I don’t have to work hard, it just means I don’t have to over extend my self. So, let’s dive in.

Photo by Landsil on Unsplash

The Streams of Income



The Freedom to Write

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: