Why Writing Short Books More Frequently Is A Fantastic Strategy

It’s even better than writing one 300-page book in a year

The Freedom to Write
3 min readMay 27, 2024


Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

Yes, I could write a book in a year.

It could be 300 pages long and have lots of facts, stories, and case studies woven into the pages.

Would you actually read it?

Chances are you wouldn’t finish reading that book. The chances are even better, you wouldn’t even make it 100 pages.

So why on earth would I write a 300-page book?

I want people to read my books. I want to provide helpful information that will improve their lives. And they wouldn’t get all that info if they didn’t read the book.

This is why I write short helpful books.

My goal is to present information that you can use and apply immediately. I want to write books that you can consume and start acting upon instead of waiting and think and consider and then never do anything about what you might have read.

This is why writing shorter books is a great idea!



The Freedom to Write

#1 Bestselling Author of 15 books on Amazon | Helping people go from writers to authors, let's chat: https://calendly.com/jrheimbigner/30min