What believing in yourself can do for you

Adimora Austin
The Freelance Perspective
2 min readSep 2, 2024
Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

If you lack stillness, if you’re not calm, then it could mean that you don’t believe in yourself. You ought to learn to believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, then nobody else will, and you better forget about success, cause you won’t get it.

Henry Kendall from Boston and Richard Taylor from Canada, achieved a breakthrough in our understanding of matter and expanded the theory of the structure of protons and neutrons. Mikhail Gorbachev from the USSR contributed to a development in our understanding about how the East and West might better relate through glasnost, a plan of open dialogue and peaceful co-existence which led to the unraveling of the Iron Curtain that separated the East from the West for decades.

And it doesn’t even end there.

Octavio Paz from Mexico City was a political commentor, a diplomat, essayist and poet who wrote fervently throughout his life about man’s desires for "wider horizons." I’m not sure completely why, but if you ask me, I’ll say it’s because he believed that our lives can be greater than our past if only we choose to believe ourselves. Edward Donnall Thomas from Mart, Texas, proved it was possible to transplant organs and rescue the lives of dying patients. That gave us a major breakthrough in the practice of medicine. The art of medicine is a life saver through the wisdom instilled in us from above. Henry M. Markowitz from Chicago studied the growth market and developed the theory that combinations of economic assets of varying risks could reduce the overall risk of investments.

You might be thinking out loud, what did all these history makers have in common? What exactly?

Well, they had two major stuffs in common. First, is that they all believed in themselves and secondly is that they were calm till they made their discoveries.
Although they represented different backgrounds, interests, talents, and passion, but they all each won a noble prize in 1990.

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There’s always a price for your hard work if you believe in yourself. Nobody could have predicted that they were all going to achieve what they all achieved before they were conceived. But look at them today, they’re history makers. Think about it: Anyone residing on planet earth today has the potential to achieve great things in life. And that’s true of everyone, even generations yet to come. But there’s just one requisite that’s needed to activate that potential and that is, believe in oneself. And for your sake, do not ever forget this.

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Adimora Austin
The Freelance Perspective

I'm a word-weaver observing life's complexities, with the intention of uncovering the hidden stories so as to make the intricate approachable.