How I Made $40,000 On Fiverr (As A Web Designer)

Summary of my Fiverr Freelance Journey

Keystone Themes
The FreelancerX
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2024


Hey fellow creatives, buckle up because I’m about to spill the tea on how I, Chiranjit Hazarika, also known as the UIUX Maverick, turned my passion for web design into a cool $40,000 on Fiverr. It’s been a wild ride, and I’m excited to share the deets of my freelancing escapade.

My Fiverr Earnings Dashboard

Finding My Thing:

First things first, I had to figure out what sets my web design game apart. I dug deep and found my niche — that special spot where my passion met the needs of potential clients. Turns out, being the go-to person for a specific skill is gold in the freelancing world.

Building a Killer Profile:

Your Fiverr profile is like your virtual handshake, so I made sure mine was a firm one. I crafted a profile that not only shouted about my skills and experience but also showed off my past projects. It was all about making a killer first impression in the wild world of freelancers.

View my Fiverr profile here:

Pricing Like a Pro:

Getting the pricing right was like finding the sweet spot on a seesaw — competitive yet fair. I did my homework, checked out what other web designers were charging on Fiverr, and set my rates in a way that made clients feel like they hit the jackpot without breaking my bank.

Portfolio Power Moves:

You know what they say — the proof is in the pudding. So, I whipped up a portfolio that was a visual feast of my best work. Variety was the spice of life here, showcasing my skills in all their glory and proving that I wasn’t a one-trick pony.

View my portfolio & service website here:

Treating Clients Like Royalty:

Customer service was my secret sauce. I made sure to respond faster than a pizza delivery guy, understood what clients wanted before they said it, and threw in a little extra to make them feel like they got the VIP treatment. Happy clients not only stuck around but also brought their pals to the freelancing party.

Client reviews:

Reviews on — UIUX Maverick

Fiverr Features FTW:

Fiverr has some cool tricks up its sleeve, and I made sure to use them all. Promoted gigs, buyer requests — you name it, I tried it. Being a regular in the Fiverr community also helped me get noticed and snag more gigs.

Always Learning, Always Growing:

Web design is like a never-ending game of upgrades, so I kept learning. Staying in the loop with the latest trends, picking up new skills — it wasn’t just about keeping up; it was about staying ahead and being the web design wizard everyone wanted on their team.

At the end, I Wanna Say…..

Bagging $40,000 on Fiverr as a web designer wasn’t just about knowing my way around pixels and codes. It was about finding my groove, putting myself out there with a killer profile, pricing sensibly, flexing my portfolio muscles, treating clients like gold, using Fiverr’s cool features, and being a perpetual learner. If you’re diving into the freelancing world, remember, it’s not just about the skills; it’s about the hustle, heart, and delivering work that wows. So, go out there, rock that freelancing journey, and make those pixels dance to your tune!

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