No You Can’t

Michael Stover
The Freelancing and Writing Source
5 min readJul 5, 2024


Stop Trying to Copy Another Freelancer’s Success

No You Can’t
Photo by Julien L on Unsplash

Aspiring freelancers are inundated with stories trumpeting incredible success.

  • $100,000 eBook Sales in 8 Months
  • 10 Digital Products You Can Create and Sell in 24 Hours
  • My Blog Gets Over 120,000 Visits Per Month
  • How to Get 10,000+ Eyeballs to Your Blog in 72 Hours
  • I Made Over $500,000 Writing On the Internet

These are actual titles taken from my Medium homepage stream. So why aren’t all of us multimillionaires yet?

So why aren’t all of us multimillionaires yet?

I’m not branding these successful freelancers as fakers — I congratulate them on their success. In fact, I read four out of the five articles (you can guess which one I skipped).

My intention is to help freelancers succeed, not hold up impossible goals and dash their hopes. Let’s face it; these articles are written by the less than 1% of freelancers who “win big” at something. What are your…

