Freestyle Football — A question of Perspective

Ankit Yadav
the freestyle works
4 min readOct 7, 2018
“man's reflection on body of water photography” by Randy Jacob on Unsplash

Perspective a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Funny thing. A cylinder can look like a rectangle/cuboid from one point of view and a circle/sphere from another one. Hmm…definitely funny. But that is the case with everything in life I suppose. There will always be more than one viewpoint by which you can see/interpret/judge anything in life.

Such is the case with freestyle football I suppose. What? I am definitely going to talk about this topic from a freestyle football point of view. After all this is a blog about freestyle football!

I know it might sound stupid, but I got the inspiration for this article from a set of pictures I posted recently on Instagram. So yes, another life hack! Inspiration is everywhere, you just need to keep your eyes open.

Wow! Promoting your personal page via your personal blog. Real professional.

Coming to the point now.

There are various ways I can take this conversation towards. But what I would like to focus here is the perspective of a freestyler during a freestyle football performance.

If you have written ‘Professional Football Freestyler’ in your Instagram bio and have never performed in front of a crowd, I’m sorry but we can’t be friends. But for those who have ever performed in front of a crowd, they’ll be able to connect to this conversation better.

So when you are doing a live performance, there are two perspectives coming into play simultaneously.

First one — Yours. You have been doing freestyle football for some time now. You probably have watched hundreds of videos by now and at least have an idea of what all possibilities exist in the world of freestyle football. You know your level and understand that there is a scope for improvement (well, there always is).

Given that you delivered a good show, you will always have an idea of where you did a few drops, were unclean sometimes and how you can improve it. YOU. You will know!

So that’s you — a performer who showed his moves and knows his flaws.

Now the second perspective will be of — The Audience. 90% of the times the audience will have no idea of what’s in store for them. They have seen a few trick videos, but that’s it. Seeing something incredible like freestyle football live before them will be a jaw-dropping experience.

Now let’s assume you gave an average performance, trust me, the audience won’t know shit! You still would have blown their brains out and everyone would still be applauding as if they have just seen Houdini perform his straight jacket trick live!

But that’s the audience. They have little or no sense of what all can be done in this field. To them everything you do, something as simple as a foot stall is fascinating. The general public are easily fascinated people. That’s the truth.

Prepared to be blown away

So the question here is

What will you settle for?

The audience’s applause, who have no idea what your or your act’s potential is and are just watching you for entertainment .


The freestyler’s self-respect, who know that he can do better and is here for the long run, not just to collect acceptance from the masses.

See. If I were to say, there is no harm in taking either of the paths.

You want to settle for an entertainer with a fixed routine? Cool. Stay like that while the spotlight is still on you. Hope you have a good run. Enjoy while it lasts.

You want to improve upon your shortcomings and deliver better every time you walk on that stage? You have my respect! And trust me, you’ll have yours too.

I won’t preach anyone to take one particular path but then again, if you guys made any sense out of this conversation, you’ll know what to do.


Thanks for being with me till the end of this journey. This a part of my publication Freestyle Works. It is an independent freestyle football publication right now and I run it to spread new and unique ideas about freestyle football.

Give a clap if you liked what you read. Follow this publication for the more such ideas. Talk to me down in the comments section if you have any suggestions or a demand for me.



Ankit Yadav
the freestyle works

A student, freestyle footballer, learner. Co-founder of Freestyle Works. Living in India