SUPERBALL 2017 — What was so special this year ?

Ankit Yadav
the freestyle works
4 min readAug 27, 2017
Special edition Super Ball cookies courtesy of Super Ball Director Lukas Skoda’s mother

Once again Superball — the most prestigious freestyle football competition in the world has come to an end and once again it has broken all the expectations compared to previous editions of the competition.

One thing about Superball is now definitely sure — it will only grow bigger and bigger with time. There are no two ways about it. All thanks to our very own ‘The Boss’ — LUCASO

To begin with, I am writing about this competition from an outsider’s perspective. I have never been to Superball. I am just one of the thousands whose dream is to be there one day. Maybe next year, who knows.

So what I am going to write is something that Superball reflects to thousands of its viewers around the world, and not what one feels being part of this awesome competition. And even though it is in no way comparable to being a part of this competition, one must always consider what emotions competitions like these portray on people who watch it around the world.

Let’s Begin!

The level like always was insane! There were battles that were so close that it must have been nerve wrecking for the judges to choose between the two. Don’t believe me? Just watch the above video.

Other than that there was an estimated representation of 354 people from 54 countries around the world! What! This was even bigger than the G 20 Summit! (No offense to Angela Merkel)

There were a lot of new faces in the competition as well as a lot of young guns battling it out for the Rookie Championships. A huge congrats to Oscar Raneke who became the second straight Swede to win the Rookie championships after defeating Sammy from U.S.A. in the finals.

I would suggest you to go out and check Superball’s Facebook page for all the competition winners list and highlights.

I am here to talk about something else.

Leaving all awesome things aside, this years finals was a true representation of the freestyle spirit shown by two brothers from different mothers (cheesy line). This years main competition finals was between Pedrinho and Ricardinho, both from Brazil. First of all, watch the battle down here.

This was the most amazing final I have ever seen in a freestyle competition!

Not because of the tremendously high level. Not because of the insane tricks pulled by both of them. And even not because it was between two of the biggest titans of freestyle football.

I loved it because of the spirit showed by both the finalists in the battle. The real freestyle spirit!

Both the finalists were from Brazil and were excited to the highest level that both of them have made it to the finals. To celebrate this bond they decided to go with only one ball! What! This was a final! They should have shifted into battle mode ready to defeat the other with their spectacular tricks.

But did they? NO! The bond that these guys shared between them was way higher than any competition or any title. Never in my life I have ever seen a runner up being so happy for the winner. Pedrinho ran to celebrate Ricardinho’s victory when his hand was raised! He was so happy that his brother had won! And trust me, Ricardinho would have done same if Pedrinho won.

This was the most glorious and cheerful moment I have ever witnessed in a freestyle football competition.

Freestyle football in recent times has taken a turn for the worse around me. Petty shows, competitions, titles and other such things have hindered the growth of the sport and community. There is so much negative vibe around that it has almost finished an entire generation of freestylers who were there when I had started 3 years back. This is sad but it is the truth. Freestyle spirit has been dying for a lot of time and will soon be over if one does not save it.

I do not know what the scene is in the world community. But whatever the reasons, freestyle football is something that brings people together. Let us remember what brought us into this community in the first place and try to keep the spirit of freestyle football alive.

Spread love whenever and wherever you can. Learn from these two people. They have just shown the entire world that freestyle football is something that no other thing can match. It is a feeling of belonging and togetherness. It is a celebration of life.

Let us come together and celebrate the spirit of freestyle football.





Ankit Yadav
the freestyle works

A student, freestyle footballer, learner. Co-founder of Freestyle Works. Living in India