If the French presidential elections were a movie…

The French Report - London
The French Report
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2017


Credits: France Info

Looking at all the surprises happening in this French election, we could make a movie out of it.

France Info released this trailer a few weeks ago and we have translated it in English for you.

You can see the several surprises of this campaign:

  • The defeat of the former right wing president, Nicolas Sarkozy in the primaries
  • The surprising victory of François Fillon, his former Prime Minister
  • The defeat of the former socialist Prime Minister, Manuel Valls
  • The victory of Benoît Hamon as candidate for the Socialist Party
  • The indictment of François Fillon regarding fake jobs given to his family. More than a million euros are involved.
  • The indictment of Marine Le Pen concerning fake jobs at the European Parliament with more than 330 thousands euros involved.

French newspapers qualified this election as:

“Beyond reality” — Libération

“A denatured campaign” — Le Monde

“Twists worthy of a Shakespearean drama” — franceinfo

Now, do not forget that the first round of the story is on the 23rd of April. Stay tuned to The French Report to follow it live.

