International reactions to Macron’s election

All along the night, leaders from across the globe, took their phone to tweet or call France’s new president, Emmanuel Macron.

The French Report - London
The French Report
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2017


EU Leaders

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that the French decided for a “European future”.

He tweeted “Happy that the French have chosen a European Future. Together for a stronger and fairer Europe.”

“The French Republic motto, “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” (liberty, equality, fraternity) had won.” Donald Tusk, European Council President

European Parliament President Antonio Tajani tweeted last night “Counting on France to stay at Europe’s heart, changing our Union together to bring it closer to citizens.”

Across the Atlantic Ocean, in the United States

On Twitter, Donald Trump congratulated Macron despite having backed Le Pen previously. “Congratulations to Emmanuel Macron on his big win today as the next President of France. I look very much forward to working with him!”

“Congratulations to Macron and the people of France on their successful presidential election. We look forward to working with the new president and continuing our close cooperation with the French government”. The White House

Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to declare a “victory for Macron, for France, the EU & the world. Defeat to those interfering w/democracy. (But the media says I can’t talk about that).”

Other heads of state

British Prime Minister Theresa May congratulated Macron on Twitter and minutes after the exit poll, Downing Street issued a statement saying,

“The prime minister warmly congratulates president-elect Macron on his election success. France is one of our closest allies and we look forward to working with the new president on a wide range of shared priorities.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that Macron represents hope for the billions of French and Europeans citizens. Her spokesperson Steffen Seibert said “it is a large victory for a strong and united Europe and for the French-German friendship.” Merkel spoke with Macron over the phone last night. Angela Merkel will be the first world leader Emmanuel Macron will meet as President.

“it is a large victory for a strong and united Europe and for the French-German friendship.” Steffen Seibert, Merkel’ spokesperson

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that the French President had to work with Russia to “overcome mutual mistrust and unite to ensure international stability and security.” The Kremlin had been seen as backing far-right leader Marine Le Pen who met Putin in March.

The Chinese President also congratulated the victor, saying China and France shared a “responsibility towards peace and development in the world.” He added China was ready to work with France so the French-Chinese strategic partnership could move to the next level.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said

“islamist terrorist is one of today’s greatest threats on the entire world, whether it attacks Paris, Jerusalem or other cities in the world. France and Israel are long-standing friends and I am convinced our relations will be reinforced.”

In Iran, spokesperson of the Foreign Affairs congratulated Macron and the French people saying we

“hope the relationships with Islamic Republic of Iran and France will develop for both countries interests, on the basis of accomplished work for the years to come.”

Far-right Dutch “Party for Freedom” leader Geert Wilders tweeted

“well done anyway Marine Le Pen billions of patriots voted for you! You will win next time — and so will I!”

