Clouds of Hope

Friday Fix for July 31st, 2020

Steven G
The Friday Fix
1 min readJul 31, 2020


Photo by Danny Lines on Unsplash

Desperate, defeated, and disgraced.

Standing at the cliff’s edge, gazing across the expanse, Jordan could end it all in a single leap.

Surprisingly, a chime rang out.

“I forgive you. For everything. Can we talk?” the text read.

Suddenly, clouds of hope fell as Jordan inched back from the precipice.

Denison Witmer’s “Little Flowers” is a great song that I consider “easy” on the ears with a chorus that resonated with me while chewing on this week’s Friday Fix prompt.

The line in the song “It’s clouds of hope that fall on you now, save you now” served as the inspiration for the story above. As 2020 brings waves of crises, people continue to struggle. Whether it is a lost loved one, a lost job, or divisive words shared between friends — people are hurting — and searching for a cloud of hope to save them.

Be that cloud of hope. Even if it is just through a short text message.

Listen to the song here.

Check out the lyrics here.



Steven G
The Friday Fix

Military veteran and an aspiring author of flash fiction, historical fiction and non-fiction, and inspiring stories.