Earworm (The Song that NEVER Ends)

Sheri White
The Friday Fix
Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2020

…for I love you and I know you love me…

“Phyllis, turn that crap off!”

“How can you hate this song? It’s so…happy.”

“I don’t want to be happy.”

“Then don’t be. Good-bye.”

It’s still playing!

He listened intently, then realized it was in his head.

Oh. Oh, no.

OK, I cheated a little on this one. I followed the prompt and got three lyrics, then realized have had this song in my head on and off (mostly on) for weeks now. And this will sound silly, but I think it starts up when I’m stressed and worried about everything going on around us right now. Like my brain is trying to cheer me up or distract me. I love the song, and it’s not obnoxious, so I don’t mind.

“Papa Gene’s Blues,” The Monkees/Sung by Mike Nesmith



Sheri White
The Friday Fix

Wife, Mom, Grandma, Horror Writer, Diet Coke Addict. Beatles Freak. Murder Show Fanatic.