Fifties by the Fire

A new writing community devoted to crafting fifty-word stories

Justin Deming
The Friday Fix
1 min readDec 13, 2023


Photo by Kevin Erdvig on Unsplash

Hi there,

I hope this message finds you well.

I haven’t logged on to Medium for years, but I used to run a publication called The Friday Fix, which focused on publishing fifty-word stories. We had built a fun and lively writing community.

Since that time, I have rebooted my efforts in developing a writing community over at my Substack publication, Along the Hudson. Every other week, I invite fellow fictioneers to write prompt-based, fifty-word stories with me. I’ve titled these community events Fifties by the Fire, and the overall atmosphere feels very similar to the old community we had developed here on Medium.

If you used to read or write “fifties” at The Friday Fix, I hope you’ll consider taking a look at my fiction newsletter.

Perhaps I’ll even see you by the fire.

All the best,


Justin Deming lives and teaches in the Hudson Valley region of New York. His work has appeared in Spelk, Flash Fiction Magazine, Emerge Literary Journal, and elsewhere. He writes weekly fiction and hosts “Fifties by the Fire” at Along the Hudson, his Substack newsletter. More of his stories can be found at

