Paralytically Yours

Friday Fix Prompt for July 31st— Based on my choice of music : “A Case Of You” by Joni Mitchell. From her seminal album “Blue”, on vinyl.

Danny Claridge
The Friday Fix
1 min readJul 31, 2020


Photo by Alfonso Scarpa on Unsplash

When everyone’s trashed, smashed

Or totally lashed

Elephant’s trunk, goggled or mashed

Wazzocked, twatted

Or off their tits

Trousered, mangled

Lying in bits

Hammered, trolleyed

Arseholed, wallied

Legless, wasted

Plastered, pasted

Or simply off their face

I could drink a case

Of you

And I’d still be on my feet

This album was played wafer thin, and demanded to be one of the albums that provided the soundtrack to my life as I entered my twenties. I chose the awesome lyric that has stuck in my brain for decades since I was a young man “I could drink a case of you darling, and I would still be on my feet”. I would sit and pore over her lyrics in wonderment and marvel at the way she wrote conversationally, just as if she was talking to me across the table in a cafe telling me a story, but oh so poetically. Listen to her pure, dulcet tones here , or read her wonderful lyrics here

Thanks to Justin Deming for the excellent prompts.



Danny Claridge
The Friday Fix

Father of four, grandad, creative director, thinker, writer, and guitarist dreamer. Born again bloke after a quadruple heart bypass and savouring every breath.