Randolph The Resourceful Mouse

The Friday Fix prompt for May 08, 2020: Junk Drawer

Mark Starlin
The Friday Fix
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2020


Randolph saw the mousetrap, complete with yummy peanut butter.

No problem.

He wiggled into the junk drawer. A birthday candle. A straw.

Those will work.

He propped the candle up in the mousetrap.

Then he hit the trap lever with the straw. It sprung, but the candle held.

Dinner time!

This week’s prompt was to pick three items in our junk drawer and write a story based on one of them. My three items were: a birthday cake candle, a straw, and a mousetrap. I decided to use all three in my story.

More of my prompt microfiction:

