Greta Thunberg at the European Parliament © European Parliament, Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

“Perhaps we shouldn’t take all our climate information from a 16-year-old girl”: Climate change denier

Greta Thunberg says things that we should all agree with and should not be a point of contention anymore so her personal welfare and the morality of using a child as a front for activism is irrelevant

Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2019


Reporting by Climate Emergency/Crisis/Disaster/Apocalypse correspondent Cal Ngore

A climate change denier has taken to Twitter to violently criticise climate campaigner and 16-year-old cultural icon Greta Thunberg.

While we don’t actually care what this @ReasonableHuman1488 has to say about anything and it definitely doesn’t make us angry that he isn’t entirely on board with everything Greta says, we just had to report it as we have to expose how many people still deny the impact of climate change.

“Over the last few decades media fear mongers have time and again said the world would pretty much be over by now. They were obviously completely wrong so why should we believe anyone saying something similar now?” read the beginning of his unhinged rant.

The opening shots of his tirade were inevitably aimed at the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Prince Harry and Thunberg, each of whom have put a timestamp on the end of the earth or have suggested some sort of action to tackle the problem.

Ocasio-Cortez said we’ve got 12 years to implement her visionary Green New Deal, Sanders stated the obvious by implying we should all stop reproducing, Prince Harry flies in a private jet to raise awareness of aviation emissions and Thunberg inspires us all by giving world leaders the lectures they sorely need.

It is clear that only a deranged mind could ever have any problem with what these figures — who will all be looked back on as heroes in the post-fossil fuel era — have to say.

“The only suggestions I’ve seen for solving climate change are more government control and less individual freedom. Weirdly everything they propose results in more government control and less individual freedom. Perhaps they have an agenda,” he babbled.

What @ReasonableHuman1488 — real identity unknown although we’re working to expose his far-right origins — doesn’t understand is that real change only comes through the government creating laws in more and more aspects of your life.

He then stooped to the level of criticising Thunberg — who is still a child — and her parents Malena Ernman and Svante Thunberg, two typical salt of the earth Swedes who are notable figures in the opera world.

“Perhaps we shouldn’t take all our climate information from a 16-year-old girl. She hasn’t finished her formal education and her brain is nearly a decade away from being fully developed,” he bitterly sniped.

“Her parents — two rich Swedes indulging their white guilt — are undoubtedly to blame for thrusting her into the public eye.

“The rest of the mainstream media and rabid climate grifters are also to blame for lionising a minor just because she happens to say something you all feverishly agree with. I dread to think what impact this will have on the poor girl down the line.” That concluded his rant we think although we’re not sure as we didn’t painstakingly go through his next Tweets getting angry and looking for white nationalist dog whistles.

To find out more about the only way we’re going to be able to save the planet please visit and donate to the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement website.




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