A CGI version of Chadwick Boseman, Lenny Henry and Sidney Poitier are in the running to land the role

Lead actor in Captain Sir Tom Moore biopic will be black to reflect British Army diversity

Producers of the film detailing the veteran’s life up to his charity walk for the NHS are looking to cast a black actor as skin colour doesn’t matter but also it’s sometimes very important and they wish to reflect the diversity of Britain and its armed forces

Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2020


Reporting by diversity in film correspondent Oscar Pannell

Powder Keg Pictures will be producing the biopic about the 100-year-old ex-soldier turned NHS fundraiser and a leaked memo from the company has revealed they will be looking to cast a black man in the lead role despite Moore being a person of no colour (PONC).

Moore gained fame when he raised £32 million for the NHS by walking laps of his garden during lockdown and despite being a white man — obviously a negative — he loves socialised health care, therefore partly redeeming his character and saving him from what would have been cancelworthy.

And although the Captain seems relatively virtuous to most outside observers, it is that previously mentioned problematic whiteness and maleness that the producers are seeking to avoid.

The memo reads: “Lead role for Captain Tom: MUST be black. Historical importance second to showing diversity of Britain / army. Colour of family not important — critics will be too afraid to criticise as don’t want to be called racist.”

You may not be aware that in the world of the media, film and Hollywood, having skin colour that isn’t white immediately gains you more professional respect and often rightly makes you immune from some forms of criticism.

So it appears the company are seeking to pre-empt any backlash on progressive lines by doing away with a point of accuracy that a minority of filmgoers might find important in their cinema experience.

Despite the leak Powder Keg Pictures have refused to confirm that the leak is true, most likely indicating that they are therefore considering not only blacks but also Asians, women, Orthodox Jews and perhaps even trans people.

Outlets and commentators around the country have welcomed the unconfirmed news with many of them speculating who they would like to play Moore.

The film is expected to span various time periods so the actors, actresses and people who act suggested are similarly of a variety of ages.

“Milly Bobby Brown has such great passion and range, I’d love to see her play a young Tom. It would also be good to demonstrate there were women fighting alongside men in WWII,” said Guardian columnist Owen Jones.

“Lenny Henry would bring a nice joviality to the role while I think I would provide that much needed connection to Britain’s youth,” said Stormzy.

Massive legend Gary Lineker took time away from caring for all the migrants he has taken in to say: “The legendary Sidney Poitier is now 93 so to me there is no one better to depict Tom’s frail walks in the garden and also capture the veteran’s dignity.”

“I personally think the whole role should be a CGI version of Chadwick Boseman, he was such an important figure in life that he should really play such an important role in death,” said JJ Abrams.

John Boyega, Chris Eubank, Monty Panesar, Nicola Adams, the kid from Slumdog Millionaire, the whole England women’s football team and Diane Abbott have also been touted for the role.

When asked about which black person he thought should take the role Captain Sir Tom Moore said: “Eh? I’ve never even met a black fella!”

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