The Pros and Cons of Being in The Army Reserves

A personal review of the Army Reserves life after four years of experience

Jordan Mendiola
The Front Lines


Me and my boys that I deployed with from 2019–2020

Growing up, I always knew that I’d someday join the Army like my bloodline of relatives who have served. Never did I think I’d join the Army reserves, let alone did I ever know about it until I graduated from high school.

The training I received in basic training and AIT has been incredibly useful to me, and the drilling as a soldier has helped me keep myself in check.

There are pros and cons when committing to the army reserves and I hope this can help anyone considering joining the reserves make their decision.

The Pros of Being in The Army Reserves


There are a ton of benefits of being an Army soldier, but one of the best ones is the life insurance policy that I get through being in the Army. It’s a way better rate than what I had as a civilian.


Soldiers who join the reserves have to be ready to deploy at any time. If that’s what you’re looking for, you are more likely to go on one if you’re in the reserves.



Jordan Mendiola
The Front Lines

Helping develop a better mindset for a brighter future. Covers army, content creation, fitness, mindset tips, and more!