How to Be Productive on an Army Deployment

Leaving home and living somewhere completely new forces you to adapt in beautiful ways

Jordan Mendiola
The Front Lines


Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Imagine one day being told you’re deploying overseas for a year and have to leave everything behind. You feel bummed because you planned on graduating from college and finishing your final year out strong. Instead, you’ve got to pack your 100 pounds worth of gear and hit the road. This was my reality in the middle of 2019.

One part of me says “Jordan! This is going to be an incredible experience for you.” Meanwhile, the other side is telling me, “this is going to set you back on a lot of your current goals you worked on with momentum.

After nearly 9 months away from America (crazy to say that), I have to say that the entire experience has been worth it. My productivity is through the roof.

Do you remember the scene from Bohemian Rhapsody where the band goes out to a home in the middle of nowhere? They end up creating sensational music. That’s exactly what’s happening for me, in other ways besides music.

I have Written 94 articles

Never did I think that I would break 100 articles in the time I was gone. I believed that I was going to spend my free-time editing YouTube videos and working…



Jordan Mendiola
The Front Lines

Helping develop a better mindset for a brighter future. Covers army, content creation, fitness, mindset tips, and more!