10 Protein Commandments To Live By

The #fuel657 Journal
5 min readOct 20, 2016

Everybody needs protein. To move, to grow, to recover, to function, it’s a fundamental building block of life. To enjoy it to its fullest, here are Sam Rider’s ten simple protein rules to follow that will help you live your life enriched, invigorated and fulfilled (with protein)

1 Thou shalt know thy protein from thy not protein
Food is generally broken down into three groups: protein, carbohydrates and fat. Few foods contain only one of the three, most are a combination. But knowing which are predominantly protein will help you make better food choices so you don’t start ladling up your plate with the fat-promoting grub when you’re trying to shift those love handles. The humble cow merrily provides this vital nutrient by the bucketload, as milk, but here are your other go-to sources: eggs, cheese, yogurt, fish, poultry, meat, nuts, beans, pulses, tofu and Quorn.

Knowing which foods are predominantly protein will help you make better dietary choices.

Whey, a natural by-product in the process of making cheese, is also a healthy source and ingredient in protein drinks like Upbeat (among others, we’re sure). Protein is even found to a lesser extent in oats, pasta and bread. Next time you find yourself in a sushi joint, be sure to order in the edamame. These immature soybeans pack a punchy 11g of protein per 100g.

2 Thou shalt consume protein every day to stay healthy
Protein is not solely the preserve of bodybuilders. Yes it’s vital for the maintenance and growth of muscle tissue — hence why the demands of it are so high among weightlifters — but we all need healthy muscles. Some studies have even shown it’s also crucial for maintaining the structure and strength of cells, hormone production, regulating metabolism and even the power of your immune system. Aim to consume a portion with every meal to keep you ticking over.

Protein is vital for the maintenance and growth of muscle tissue hence why the demands are so high among weightlifters, but we all need healthy muscles.

3 Thou shalt consume protein when peckish to lose weight
Okay, so it’s not fully proven (yet), but some research suggests protein can help you resist unhealthy snacks later in the day. When you wolf down a protein-rich breakfast, for example a plate of bacon and eggs, receptors in your gut trigger the release of glucose that tells your brain to stop wolfing. This helps keep your motor running for a few hours so you don’t feel the urge to raid the snack drawer (or at least empty it in one sitting). A fail safe: swap your crisps with protein-rich nuts for a guilt-free pick-me-up.

4 Thou shalt consume protein even if thou is veggie or vegan
Written “Q-U-I-N-O-A”. Pronounced “KEEN–waa”. Looks like plumped up seeds. It’s your friend. A combination of brown rice and oatmeal, it’s higher in protein than rice and a complete source of protein, unlike brown rice, meaning it contains all nine of the essential amino acids you need from your diet. If you’re not consuming meat or eggs — also complete proteins — it’s wise to keep track of your protein intake with apps like MyFitnessPal to make sure you’re not short-changing yourself.

5Thou shalt consume protein be you man, woman or child
Protein is not gender-biased. Nor age, creed or colour-biased. It’s egalitarian, to be enjoyed by all.

6 Thou shalt consume extra protein when thou art extra active
The NHS errs on the low side. For an adult, it suggests the reference intake (RI) is 50g of protein per day. If you’re active, cycle to work, exercise or play sport once or twice a day you’ll want to crank those numbers up slightly to keep your muscles well looked after. If your aim is to build muscle or strength or lose fat while maintaining lean mass, aim for up to 2g of quality protein per kg of bodyweight. For example, that’s 140g for a 70kg person.

Protein is not gender-biased. Nor age, creed or colour-biased. It’s egalitarian, to be enjoyed by all.

7 Thou shalt consume protein from varied sources — even insects
Protein comes from many different food sources and so comes bundled up with a multitude of vital vitamins and minerals. Chicken is great, easy and tastes phenomenal in fajitas, but it’s not the be-all and end-all of protein. Oily fish packs heart-healthy oils, pulses boast digestion-supporting fibre and milk packs bone-strengthening calcium as well as vitamins A, D, E and K. In fact, futurologists even predict we’ll all be scoffing on protein-rich crickets, mealworm and other insects in the not too distant future.

Salmon, edamame and quinoa: a protein powerhouse

8 Thou shalt consume protein evenly across the day
You’ve just been on a run. Don’t feel you now need to free pour protein down your gullet to fully recover. It’s best to spread your protein intake evenly across the day because we don’t store it for later use like we do with carbs and fat. Aim for 20–30g per meal, plus a sprinkling at snack time.

It’s best to spread your protein intake evenly across the day because we don’t store it for later use like we do with carbs and fat.

9 Thou shalt not speak ill of protein
Protein’s upstanding reputation was once shamefully tarnished. Scaremongers suggested too much can put excess stress on your kidneys. Codswallop. Kidney damage from excessive protein has never been demonstrated on healthy people, only those already suffering from kidney disease or failure — in which case, protein overconsumption is the least of your worries.

10 Thou shalt consume protein from food before supplements
The clue’s in the name. Protein supplements, just like multivitamins, are a back up to your diet. If you can’t cram enough protein in to hit your daily target (see above), a quick-digesting protein shake can be an effective option. Powders come in many forms, from soy, pea, hemp, egg and casein but most commonly as whey.

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The #fuel657 Journal

Upbeat Active is all day body fuel, giving active bodies the high quality protein they need at any time of day. Healthy muscles. Healthy life.