657: It’s The Magic Number

Remember, every muscle matters — all 657 of them. But how did we get to that number and why is it important?

The #fuel657 Journal
3 min readNov 14, 2016


How many muscles do you have? How many have you used today? How many are on extended leave and how many are working tirelessly?

The number of muscles in the human body is not an exact science. By our last count, we’ve reached the grand total of 657 skeletal muscles—not to mention the additional cardiac and smooth muscles — that all work in beautiful harmony to keep us going every day.

A mixture of cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles work in beautiful harmony to keep us going every day.

Is that number definitive? “It’s hard to say,” says sports physiotherapist Mike Aunger, who runs leading London clinic Technique Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine. “The scientific community agree on many things, but the number of muscles in the human body is not one of them.

“Anatomical variance means some people have more, some have less,” says Aunger. “I’ve seen quotes of 640, quotes of up to 800, while many contest what’s classified as muscle in the first place.”

Further reading: 5 Easy Steps To Healthy Muscles

Some, that you can see on the surface of your body, are misleading. For example, the rectus abdominis, the layer of fibres famously responsible for the six-pack, only counts as one muscle. Contrastingly, your hands are densely populated with dozens of minuscule muscles, each vital for the complex movements that give homo sapiens such unique dexterity.

Knowing how many muscles are in the human body doesn’t matter. Knowing that every one of them matters, does.

Some are autonomic, meaning you have no control of them. Some are somatic, meaning they’re under our conscious control 24/7. Some are strong, some weak, some work in pairs, some work solo.

Further reading: Let’s Drink To Your Muscle Health

Fundamentally, the number isn’t important. “Whichever way you stack it up, they all matter,” says Aunger. Knowing how many are in the human body doesn’t matter. Knowing that every one of them matters, does.

Remember, Every Muscle Matters. Join our community and tag your posts with #fuel657



The #fuel657 Journal

Upbeat Active is all day body fuel, giving active bodies the high quality protein they need at any time of day. Healthy muscles. Healthy life.