Should I Give Up Sugar?

Welcome to Health Decoded, The 657 Journal’s video series with Upbeat nutritionist Sophie Enever, answering your most pressing health and fitness questions. Tweet us yours @feelingupbeat

The #fuel657 Journal
2 min readOct 20, 2016


Should we cut all sugar out of our diet?

“Food contains different types of sugar,” says Sophie. “In processed food you have added sugar. This is the form that doesn’t provide any added benefits. On the other side you have naturally occurring sugars. These are sugars found in fruit and milk. With fruit you get a lot of added benefits like extra fibre to slow the release of the sugars, as well as vitamins.

With milk you get nice proteins, calcium, some healthy fats, and also lactose, the sugar that’s found in milk, that’s been shown to be the least detrimental of all sugars for tooth decay.

Sugars in carbohydrates are part of a vital fuel for the body so we do need it in certain amounts, it’s just about where we’re getting it from.”

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