Upbeat: Who We Are

The #fuel657 Journal is powered by Upbeat Active, the delicious whey protein drink that fuels your 657 muscles so you can stay healthy and active for life. Healthy muscles. Healthy life. This is what we stand for.

The #fuel657 Journal
2 min readOct 20, 2016


Rikki Chan via Unsplash

Every Muscle Matters.

We play. We smile. We kick. We frown.
We write. We sing. We dance. We jump.
We hug. We laugh. We kiss. We love.

Everything we do may come from the heart, but it’s our muscles that pumps the blood back into it. Powering us up and pushing us on. It takes 657 muscles to power your skeletal frame and at least 10 to raise a single smile. Our muscles give us energy and life; they keep us breathing and keep us going; treated well they keep us lean and life ready.

Our bodies’ hardest, unsung workers.

Our amazing, uncomplaining, industrious muscles.

So let’s start giving them a second thought, show them the love and respect they deserve.

At The Good Whey Company we want to inspire everyone to make positive changes in their lives and the lives of others, powered by great nutrition and a fun-filled active lifestyle. We believe that starts with healthy muscles.

It was our grandfather Dick that started our journey with his determination to extract every bit of goodness from British milk. As a family we carry on his legacy of putting the natural, great tasting, muscle feeding goodness of whey, within anyone’s reach.

We inspire and reward.
We encourage and engage.
We challenge the expected.
We champion the unexpected.
We nudge. We don’t push.
We are positive.
We are fun.
We are Upbeat.

Remember, Every Muscle Matters. Join our community and tag your posts with #fuel657



The #fuel657 Journal

Upbeat Active is all day body fuel, giving active bodies the high quality protein they need at any time of day. Healthy muscles. Healthy life.